samigo: Option to "undo" minimum point value in a short answer/essay question during automatic regrade/republish
Test Plan
Testing steps below not complete.
As instructor, create a site with at least 3 students and Tests & Quizzes.
If editing published assessments with submissions is not enabled on the server by default: ## Log in as admin, and go to Administration Workspace > Sites tool.
Search for the site.
Select the site ID to edit the site.
Add/Edit Properties.
Enter the following property name: samigo.editPubAssessment.restricted
Property value: false
Select New Property.
Select Save.
As instructor in the site, create an assessment with at least 3 short answer/essay questions, with the following parameters:
Question 1 with a standard point value and no minimum point value
Question 2 with a minimum point value less than total point value
Question 3 with a minimum point value equal to total point value
Publish the quiz.
Submit the quiz as 3 students:
Student 1 - answer all questions
Student 2 - answer question 1, leave questions 2 and 3 unanswered
Student 3 - leave question 1 unanswered, answer questions 2 and 3
As instructor, go to Scores > Questions for the quiz and enter grades as follows:

Tiffany Stull May 10, 2021 at 1:30 PM
Hehe, I know the feeling!
Christina Schwiebert May 10, 2021 at 1:29 PM
, sorry, didn't see that. It's been a long week (and it's only Monday)

Tiffany Stull May 10, 2021 at 1:22 PM
it didn't get cut - I just haven't had the time to finish writing it, per the line at the top of the test plan that says, "Testing steps below not complete."
Christina Schwiebert May 10, 2021 at 1:20 PM
, it looks like part of the test plan got cut. Can you please replace it?

Tiffany Stull May 10, 2021 at 8:28 AMEdited
Hmm that's not good. That means the feature is broken for short answer as well as matching. Do you think could be related to some of these issues? perhaps this case should be added to as scoring issues with min point value in certain question types?
the bug mentioned in Andrea's comment above may affect your instructors.
Never mind, I see that was already created for it.
Because short answer/essay questions are manually-graded questions, they are not automatically regraded when editing, retracting, regrading and republishing an assessment. This is appropriate when grades given for short answer/essay are intentionally entered by an instructor.
Problem: If an instructor inadvertently enables a minimum point value on short answer/essay, there is no way for the instructor to automatically remove the points that were assigned by the minimum value. This can be problematic for large classes - having an unintended automatic point value inserted can make it harder for an instructor to grade, because they do not have a clear indicator of which students have been manually graded already with an appropriate score.
We've received several support calls from instructors who encountered the issue above. One frustrated instructor had to edit about 150 students' grades to set them back to 0 before he went back through and graded the question because he was too confused by having unintended grades inserted.
Proposed solution: If grades have been entered automatically by minimum value for a short answer/essay question, and the instructor edits and regrades the assessment, removing the minimum value from the question, zero out those grades that were entered automatically. Do NOT change any scores for the short answer/essay question that an instructor or TA manually entered prior to the regrade.