Provide for LTI tool configurations to copy to new sites
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Earle Nietzel July 27, 2018 at 1:47 PM
There is no code on this issue please don't modify the fix versions, set back to incorporated.

Laura Gekeler July 12, 2018 at 4:29 PM
I don't understand either! And I have to say I hate jira on mobile devices!

Laura Gekeler July 12, 2018 at 4:27 PM
It looks like the code is only live on Notre Dame's servers. @jonespm - when is this being merged and to what versions?

Karen McPhaul July 11, 2018 at 4:32 PM
Ok, I'm missing something here. I just tested again on, using the steps listed in my earlier comment, without success. When I get to step 5 > where I select the tools to import > "External Tools" is not an option for me to check. I don't see a way to import that menu item and its configuration using import from site.
I must be misunderstanding what this JIRA is supposed to do. Laura, can you provide the steps you used to verify?

Laura Gekeler July 10, 2018 at 11:36 AMEdited
Verified. Is working on qa11-mysql today.
LTI tools as configured in a current site do not copy their URL endpoint, key, secret and any service checkboxes (their configurations) to a new site through any of the following methods:
1. Site Info > Duplicate
2. Sit Info > Import from Site
3. SIS automated course creation where an existing course site is designated to be the starting "layout" and tool set for sites.