Samigo: Usability: Pagination navigation is not very usable/accessible and inconsistent with other tools


On the new Samigo main page, assessments are paginated with the View menu and associated navigation buttons separate.

The View drop-down is only above the assessments list, on the left side of the page.

Meanwhile, the buttons to navigate from one page to the next are only below the assessments list, on the right side of the page.

In a site with a lot of assessments, this disjointed navigation can make it hard to move from one page of assessments to the next.

Additionally, the pagination selection by the user in Samigo does not persist across tool refreshes.  If a user selects, e.g., to show 50 assessments per page and then leaves and comes back to the tool, it has reset the display to 20 assessments.

In most other Sakai tools that have pagination, for example the tools listed below, the View menu for how many items to display is incorporated into the same group of controls as the page navigation. If there are many items on the page, this navigation also appears at both the top AND bottom of the page, as is appropriate for accessibility.  The view selection is also persistent across not just page loads but sessions (if you show 50 items per page and leave and return to the tool later, 50 will still be shown).

  • Home site > Membership

  • Home site > Worksite Setup

  • Course or project site > Resources > Copy content from my other sites

  • Course or project site > Assignments (assignment list)

Tests & Quizzes page navigation should be made to match these other tools.





Tiffany Stull March 3, 2021 at 4:59 PM

have you done any accessibility testing on the "Choose page size" menu and pagination in Worksite Setup or Assignments? I'm proposing to make the Tests & Quizzes page have similar navigation, so I'd like to confirm the controls are usable. Here's how you can access one such menu:

  1. Log in to as admin user.

  2. In the Home site, go to the Worksite Setup tool.

  3. If tabbing in the content area of the page to navigate, I expect you to eventually come to a Search box to search for sites by title, followed by a "Choose page size" drop-down with "Show 20 items..." selected by default. You should be able to use the drop-down to select a different number of items (in this case, sites) to show.

  4. After the drop-down, there should be a "Next 20" button that you can use to navigate to the next page of items (the number may be different if you changed the drop-down selection). Selecting the "Next 20" should take you to the next page.

  5. On the second page, if you navigate back down toward the drop-down, you should encounter "Go to first" and "Previous 20" buttons prior to reaching the drop-down for showing items.

  6. After the drop-down, there should again be "Next 20", followed by a "Go to last" button to navigate to the last page of items.

The navigation/pagination menu should also appear both above and below the table where the sites are listed.



Affects versions




Created March 3, 2021 at 4:38 PM
Updated June 9, 2022 at 11:23 AM