Samigo Tests & Quizzes: Feature request for improved notification options on publishing assessment.


In Tests & Quizzes, you can send an email notification to students when an assessment is published.

The email goes out to students *immediately* on publishing the assessment, and the notification includes a direct link to the assessment in question. Of course, the student cannot access the assessment until it is available, so the fact that the notification may go out days, weeks, or even months before the assessment is available doesn't make it very useful for most instructors.

Per discussion in the Teaching & Learning Call March 17, 2021, we'd like to have several notification options when publishing an assessment in Tests & Quizzes:

  • Without notification

  • Send notification below to students now

  • Send notification below to students when the assessment is available

  • Send notification below to students at a specific date (if selected, the date field appears for instructor to specify date - this field should also be pre-populated with the available date for the assessment. Validation will also be needed to verify this date is appropriate to the assessment dates. I would say earlier than or the same as available date because the notification specifies the available date.)



Test Plan

  1. As instructor, create a site with Tests & Quizzes and a roster.

  2. If none of the students on the roster have valid email addresses, in the site, go to Site Info > Add participants. Add at least 4 students who are capable of receiving emails.

  3. Go to Site Info > Manage groups and create a group containing one or two students who can receive emails (leave at least one student who can receive emails OUT of the group).

  4. In Tests & Quizzes, create 6 quizzes with at least one question each (you can just create one and duplicate it several times).

  5. Go to Settings for each quiz and modify the settings as follows:

    1. Quiz 1, under Availability and Submissions specify an available and due date in the future (you'll want these to be in the relatively near future so you don't have to wait too long for the dates to open up).

    2. Quiz 2, under Availability and Submissions, specify a different available and due date in the future. Allow late submissions and set a late submission date.

    3. Quiz 3, under Availability and Submissions, select the Release to option of Specific groups and select your group. Specify a different available and due date in the future from the other quizzes.

    4. Quiz 4, under Availability and Submissions, specify a different available and due date in the future. Enable a time limit. Under Grading and Feedback, enable Feedback on submission and select some feedback options.

    5. Quiz 5, under Availability and Submissions, specify a different available and due date in the future. Under Grading and Feedback, enable Feedback on specific date, indicate a date later than the latest submission date allowed, and select some feedback options.

    6. Quiz 6, under Availability and Submissions, select the Release to option of Anonymous users. Set the available date to Now and a due date (doesn't matter when).

  6. Publish each quiz, selecting notification options as below on the publish confirmation screen. While publishing, verify all the dates (available and due) indicated in the text of the notification are accurate, the appropriate release to target is selected (e.g., Entire Site or Selected Groups), and the time limit is indicated in the notification for timed quiz.

    • Quiz 1 - Without notification

    • Quiz 2 - Send notification below to students now

    • Quiz 3 - Send notification below to students when the assessment is available

    • Quiz 4 - Send notification below to students at a specific date

    • Quiz 5 - Send notification below to students at a specific date. Try to set a date that is later than the available date for the assessment.
      Add some text in the box to customize the notification message, then try to publish. You should not be able to complete the publishing process, and you should get an alert to change your date. Note: Your text for the message should NOT be removed from the text box - testing should include verification that no entered content is lost when publishing is blocked by date validation. Alert messaging and explanation to user about how to correct their error should also be tested for accessibility. Upon changing the date to some time before the available date, confirm you can publish.

    • Quiz 6 - Send notification below to students now

  7. Wait to get the emails. Check the email addresses of the students/system logs to confirm that:

    • No emails are delivered for Quiz 1.

    • Each email (for quizzes where notifications were enabled) is delivered at the appropriate date/time.

    • Email is delivered to all recipients in appropriate release to users/groups. In the case of Specific Groups, only members of the group and instructors should receive the email. In the case of either Entire Site or Anonymous Users, all students and instructors should receive the email.

    • Email content is accurate (appropriate dates and other messages about time limit or custom message included - note that the late submission date should NOT appear in the email for the quiz for which late submissions are accepted).



Tiffany Stull March 17, 2021 at 4:45 PM

I realize working on the test plan that this should be broken out into two jiras (or children of a parent jira for improving notifications in these two tools). I'll address that as soon as I can.






Created March 17, 2021 at 12:47 PM
Updated April 9, 2021 at 11:41 AM