Send a reminder email when an assignment is available


It can be helpful for students to receive an email reminder when an assignment is open instead of adding an announcement and sending a notification with the date.




Tiffany Stull February 17, 2021 at 9:30 AM

Per T&L call discussion, this notification should go out at the open date of the assignment, not prior to it.

Suport i Assessorament a l'Activitat Docent Tècnics de Docència Virtual February 16, 2021 at 2:08 AM

Well, I guess that this option could be roughly the same as "Send a reminder email 24 hours before the due date". Now, when you create an assigment  you can check this option to send an email 24 hour before deadline, so maybe the backend of this new feature could be the same but instead 24 hours before due date, sending it when assigment is avaliable.



Tiffany Stull February 15, 2021 at 1:38 PM

When does this feature propose to send the email notification to students? At the date/time when the assignment becomes available? (I would prefer that the notification go out when the assignment becomes available and NOT immediately on assignment posting - it's a major complaint from instructors that the current notifications from Assignments and T&Q go out immediately on posting/publishing the assignment or assessment.)

Will the sending of this proposed notification be controlled by the instructor, or just forcibly sent to students regardless of instructor preference?

Will there be a user preference associated with this to allow students to choose a digest notification instead of individual notifications, or to disable it if desired?

This also needs a test plan to verify that the email notification:

  • Is sent at appropriate date/time.

  • Goes to all users if assignment released to entire site.

  • Only goes out to appropriate groups assigned to submit when an assignment is released to specified groups.

  • Provides the correct date and time for assignment open as specified in each user's preferences and is properly internationalized.

  • If it can be set to digest or disabled on a per-user basis, users who have changed their preferences get the notification or not as specified.

Christina Schwiebert February 15, 2021 at 1:37 PM

I know there is  to have a bullhorn notification for assignment opening as well.



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Created February 15, 2021 at 3:19 AM
Updated April 22, 2021 at 4:00 AM