- score entry for unsubmitted assessmentSAK-36660Resolved issue: SAK-36660SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo Import Images Using IMS QTISAK-36411Resolved issue: SAK-36411SAMIGO TEAM
- statistics do not show when random draw from pool is usedSAK-36326Resolved issue: SAK-36326David Horwitz
- IndexOutOfBoundsException editing assessmentSAK-35538Resolved issue: SAK-35538SAMIGO TEAM
- QTI import of Respondus-generated questionsSAK-35123Resolved issue: SAK-35123SAMIGO TEAM
- Add javadocsSAK-34961Resolved issue: SAK-34961SAMIGO TEAM
- Need option to suppress certain integrity checks for load-testingSAK-34935Resolved issue: SAK-34935SAMIGO TEAM
- allow more matching possibilities (e.g. one-to-many) in matching questionsSAK-34821Resolved issue: SAK-34821SAMIGO TEAM
- create a selection of questions based on taxonomySAK-34756SAMIGO TEAM
- Optionally prevent / allow student control of media played during testSAK-34700SAMIGO TEAM
- Make storage and display of assessment scores consistentSAK-34684Kirk Alexander
- Add Rationale Option to Survey Question TypeSAK-34641SAMIGO TEAM
- Increase size of instructor comment entry field for quiz answersSAK-34637SAMIGO TEAM
- Option to retake assessment only for questions that were incorrectSAK-34613SAMIGO TEAM
- Need to update the mockup for "taking an assessment via published URL" flowSAK-34463SAMIGO TEAM
- Add warning and prevent pool creation for multi-section importsSAK-34384Resolved issue: SAK-34384SAMIGO TEAM
- Authoring: Numeric response should have validationSAK-34209Resolved issue: SAK-34209SAMIGO TEAM
- Unknown column 'NaN' in 'field list' - Hibernate assertion failureSAK-34126SAMIGO TEAM
- User with no name + named grading = problemSAK-34111Resolved issue: SAK-34111SAMIGO TEAM
- Add thread-local caching to SectionManagerSAK-13400Resolved issue: SAK-13400
- Add ability to disable Profile searchSAK-13216Resolved issue: SAK-13216Nuno Grilo
- Event description is not formatted as HTMLSAK-13206Resolved issue: SAK-13206Nuno Grilo
- Give Post'em its own permissions, stop piggybacking on site.updSAK-13072Resolved issue: SAK-13072
- Version control for uploads in Post'emSAK-13071Resolved issue: SAK-13071
- Static Code Review: Found static field of type java.text.DateFormat in org.sakaiproject.dav.DavServlet.HttpDateFormatSAK-13068Resolved issue: SAK-13068Lance Speelmon
- Webservices' SakaiScript.jws doesn't apply layout hints to new pagesSAK-12930Resolved issue: SAK-12930
- Improve tool load timeSAK-12887Resolved issue: SAK-12887Nuno Grilo
- Add ability to move to top or bottom with one click in customize tabsSAK-12870Resolved issue: SAK-12870Noah Botimer
- Hide description field for events without descriptionSAK-12851Resolved issue: SAK-12851Nuno Grilo
- message not sent if any user's address is wrong; tells user it was sentSAK-12703Resolved issue: SAK-12703SOO IL KIM
- year limit in Assignment toolSAK-12599Resolved issue: SAK-12599
- Include site properties when searching for sitesSAK-12571Resolved issue: SAK-12571
- More detailed needed for missing key warningsSAK-12513Resolved issue: SAK-12513
- Date widgets should stop user choosing an ending date before their starting dateSAK-12373Resolved issue: SAK-12373
- Allow Matrix Style CSS to be applied when viewing matrix (not just for indiv matrix cells)SAK-12154Resolved issue: SAK-12154Christopher Maurer
- filtering the searching and viewing of users to only those users with the same named usertype(s)SAK-12088Resolved issue: SAK-12088Nuno Grilo
- include the created and last modified date on the screen and csv exportSAK-12087Resolved issue: SAK-12087Nuno Grilo
- Use distinct events for Resources and DropboxSAK-11969Resolved issue: SAK-11969
- Outgoing bounce notifications handled incorrectlySAK-11927Resolved issue: SAK-11927ZachT
- Timestamp errors in SAKAI_EVENT recordsSAK-11916Resolved issue: SAK-11916Ian Boston
- IMSEntUserDirectoryProvider maps external user IDs onto User.ID rather than User.EIDSAK-11869Resolved issue: SAK-11869Daniel McCallum
- OpenLdapDirectoryProvider maps external user IDs onto User.ID rather than User.EIDSAK-11868Resolved issue: SAK-11868Daniel McCallum
- Mail digests can cause DB crashSAK-11841Resolved issue: SAK-11841Aaron Zeckoski
- AssignmentService allows creation of duplicate submission objects, need to separate submitter_id out to form unique constrait, and improve tool performance by using new db columnsSAK-11821Resolved issue: SAK-11821
- Wiki Does not register with EntityManager correctlySAK-11801Resolved issue: SAK-11801Ian Boston
- Notification message needed when joining sitesSAK-11773Resolved issue: SAK-11773
- New MS Office Documents have improper document type designationSAK-11772Resolved issue: SAK-11772Jim Eng
- Remove all support for storage of resource bodies in databaseSAK-11744Resolved issue: SAK-11744Jim Eng
- Accessibility: Image has non-descriptive label (Page Order Helper)SAK-11669Resolved issue:
- Markup doesn't use Sakai stylesSAK-11609Resolved issue: SAK-11609
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