- NPE in Gradebook2ComponentServiceImpl.doUpdateItemGRBK-1424
- Statistics Chart setting not savingGRBK-1384Resolved issue: GRBK-1384
- Update development mode in trunk to launch correctly with 2.10_SNAPSHOT environmentGRBK-1365
- Update eclipse classpath/project files to reflect version referenced in pomsGRBK-1360Thomas Amsler
- Points gradebook with simple categories has issues with drop lowestGRBK-1355
- Grade Scale is sorted by letters instead of numerical valuesGRBK-1349Resolved issue: GRBK-1349
- Update Spanish TranslationsGRBK-1348Resolved issue: GRBK-1348
- Upgrade/add depended library versions (GWT, GXT, JERSEY, JACKSON, TIKA)GRBK-1340Resolved issue: GRBK-1340
- Evaluate Java 7 (JDK) compatibilityGRBK-1337Resolved issue: GRBK-1337
- Grade Scale View Not Correct with Java 7GRBK-1336Resolved issue: GRBK-1336
- Exception is thrown when grade item's "% Category" is set to 0 (zero)GRBK-1330Resolved issue: GRBK-1330
- Sencha GXT v3.0 Upgrade SprintGRBK-1326Resolved issue: GRBK-1326
- Chrome 19 (stable release) renders table/header alignment incorrectlyGRBK-1314Resolved issue: GRBK-1314
- Make student view's "Individual Scores" table wider so that comments column showsGRBK-1312
- Import process doesn't allow to delete existing commentsGRBK-1301
- Import Format Error needs to use i18n name instead of ENUM's nameGRBK-1300Resolved issue: GRBK-1300
- Importing coments where the user enters '...' ellipsis will be interpreted as '?' once importedGRBK-1298
- Import file selection shows incorrect path nameGRBK-1295Resolved issue: GRBK-1295
- Importing a "Full Gradebook" causes "Error Parsing JSON" errorGRBK-1294Resolved issue: GRBK-1294
- Student View throws NPE on hasComment checkGRBK-1286Resolved issue: GRBK-1286
- Update GWT Visualization from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2GRBK-1285Resolved issue: GRBK-1285
- Hiding final grade menu option patchGRBK-1282Resolved issue: GRBK-1282
- Update spanish translation for v1.8.0 releaseGRBK-1272Resolved issue: GRBK-1272
- Allow to export gradebook with no structureGRBK-1269Resolved issue: GRBK-1269
- Provide new translations for nl_NL, ja, it, fr and de.GRBK-1268Resolved issue: GRBK-1268
- Improve student search functionality (instant search/result)GRBK-1260
- Gradebook2--incorrect course grade calculation when scoring items in an extra-credit categoryGRBK-1255Resolved issue: GRBK-1255
- Add message to Student View indicating that the statistics' chart data is N seconds or minutes oldGRBK-1244Resolved issue: GRBK-1244
- Configure Gradebook2 to follow Sakai trunk (2.10-SNAPSHOT)GRBK-1224Resolved issue: GRBK-1224
- As the first step of the import process, ask the user what he/she is importingGRBK-1221Resolved issue: GRBK-1221
- Allow the user to download a "simple grading" import templateGRBK-1220Resolved issue: GRBK-1220
- Change "Request Failed" error/warning dialog title to something more meaningfulGRBK-1218
- Update maven root pom.xml file to include profiles for sakai-2.8.x and sakai-2.9.x specific changesGRBK-1214Resolved issue: GRBK-1214
- FindBugs and Code Cleanup Task for v1.8.0GRBK-1208Resolved issue: GRBK-1208
- Update Jersey (REST JSR-311) and Jackson librariesGRBK-1206Resolved issue: GRBK-1206
- GWT v2.x Moving to Standards ModeGRBK-1205Resolved issue: GRBK-1205
- Determining what are duplicate item names should be case-insensitiveGRBK-1204Resolved issue: GRBK-1204Jon Gorrono
- Find all cases where we display dialogs containing HTTP status codes to users and turn them into meaningful messagesGRBK-1203Resolved issue: GRBK-1203
- Spring JUnit tests fail because functionality changed from GRBK-804GRBK-1197
- Create custom dialog for uniform look and feelGRBK-1196Constance Fuller
- Student View doesn't show the "Loading Chart ..." indicator while statistics chart is being loadedGRBK-1195
- Allow students to see the Grade Scale in their GB2 view (especially important if the IOR has edited the default grade scale)GRBK-1193
- Figure out archiving strategy for GB_ACTION_RECORD_PROPERTY_T tableGRBK-1178
- Consistently use JSON marshaling/demarshaling for REST resourcesGRBK-1168Resolved issue: GRBK-1168
- Adding a new item using an existing item name show meaningless 401 errorGRBK-1167Resolved issue: GRBK-1167
- GB2 action records for single grades seem to have way too much information.GRBK-1164Resolved issue: GRBK-1164Thomas Amsler
- Instructor's "View As Student" view shows a dash in an assignment score's cell instead of an empty cellGRBK-1160Resolved issue: GRBK-1160
- Cannot enter letter grades in a letter grade type grade bookGRBK-1152Resolved issue: GRBK-1152
- Add Windows like top right hand side close button to dialog windowsGRBK-1150Resolved issue: GRBK-1150
- Setting i18n Default LocaleGRBK-1149Resolved issue: GRBK-1149
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Simple avoidable NPE; patch pending. To replicate:
1.) Create a course site w/ GB2 included; weight by categories.
2.) Create a single category, name it anything you want, do not let it be extra credit.
3.) Create a grade item, name it anything, leave at defaults.
4.) Duplicate course site.
5.) Go into the duplicate site and try to change the graded item to be included in the grade.
6.) You'll receive a 500 error on clicking Save; a bug report will be generated with a stacktrace pointing to the problem code line.