Provide new translations for nl_NL, ja, it, fr and de.


The attached patch provides new translations for nl_NL, ja, it, fr and de. The properties were originally translated back in January, 2012. They may not match the current trunk properties perfectly, but these translations are probably better then none.


  • 13 Apr 2012, 11:09 AM



Thomas Amsler April 26, 2012 at 2:11 PM

The following entries have been commented out:

<extend-property name="locale" values="es"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="de"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="fr"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="it"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="ja"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="nl_NL"/>

Thomas Amsler April 18, 2012 at 1:51 PM

Thank you for the feedback. I understand your reasoning and and you have a valid point. It's just a matter of weighting the PROS/CONS of enabling the unsupported translations by default. One of the issues is the following. We are making substantial changes to the localized file(s) in terms of their content, which describes how the features work. By having unmaintained translations, the descriptions may not match what the features actually do, which could lead to unwanted tool interactions. So for that reason, an institution needs to weight that risk of enabling the unsupported translations.

To enable/disable supported languages is a matter of modifying GradebookApplication.gwt.xml located here:

<extend-property name="locale" values="es"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="de"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="fr"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="it"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="ja"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="nl_NL"/>

We could document that step if an institution chooses to include translations that are not maintained.

Cris Holdorph April 13, 2012 at 4:17 PM

That's definitely one way to go, but it's worth thinking about it the other way to. For example, let's say you only have one person at your university that speaks english and japanese. You might have an incomplete japanese translation, but wouldn't having 9 out of 10 fields in gradebook be translated be a benefit to all of the other people that can't speak english, rather then requiring the insitution to update the .xml first?

Also, Gradebook2 doesn't do localization as simply as other languages. Having to update that .xml file is not something that is needed in any other tool (at least none other that I've used). So, it's not even well known that you'd HAVE to edit that file. You could be staring at the translated files, wondering why they aren't getting picked up correctly. I know I had that experience for a while.

I'm comfortable with either approach, just thought it was worth sharing these other viewpoints.

Thomas Amsler April 13, 2012 at 2:21 PM

This contribution has been committed to trunk. I am inclined to comment out the newly added locales in the GWT GradebookApplication.gwt.xml file since they are incomplete and not maintained. That way, it's up to the institutions who run Gradebook2 to enable those locales.

Cris Holdorph April 13, 2012 at 1:31 PM

Unfortunately, not at this time. We thought contributing what we had would be useful, but we don't have the ability to do more recent translations at this time. Hopefully, with what's there, though, it will be a lot quicker for someone else to just do the updates if they ever want to. I would suspect you could definitely find someone else in the community to get you the french and japanese updates.





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Created April 13, 2012 at 11:09 AM
Updated April 26, 2012 at 2:11 PM
Resolved April 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM