Add message to Student View indicating that the statistics' chart data is N seconds or minutes old
Add message to Student View indicating that the statistics' chart data is N seconds or minutes old. We take the server side configuration value that defines the cache's TTL and use that to indicate how old the data is.
Estimate: 2SP
Test Plan
Peter Peterson March 21, 2012 at 4:48 PM
QA PASS: works as described. Also reviewed the verbiage and appears OK.
Thomas Amsler March 9, 2012 at 4:32 PM
QA Test Plan:
Make sure that the statistics data age message only shows up in the student panel and not in the Instructor's "View ->Statistics", "Edit -> Grade Scale".
The statistics data age message should only show up if the caching is enabled on the server side via the "gb2.enable.statistics.cache" Sakai properties. In addition, the "" needs to be defined with a positive integer, or else, the system default is used, wich is currently set at 30 seconds.
Thomas Amsler March 9, 2012 at 4:27 PM
Implementation Details:
At GB2 startup, it checkes the Sakai properties if the statistics data caching is enabled, as well as what the TTL times is. It then sends that data (integer representing TTL time in seconds) to the client as part of the ApplicationSetup payload. The client access that data when it instantiates the StudenPanel. The StudenPanel passes the data to the StatisticsChartPanel, which then shows the message as part of the panel's header.
Add message to Student View indicating that the statistics' chart data is N seconds or minutes old. We take the server side configuration value that defines the cache's TTL and use that to indicate how old the data is.
Estimate: 2SP