- samigo: Make Item Analysis screen include all answer options individuallySAK-41670Core Team
- samigo: Scores screens feature request - grade by student - navigation to next ungradedSAK-40490Core Team
- Allow instructors to see all responses of re-taken assessmentSAK-36513Resolved issue: SAK-36513Brian J.
- samigo: Property to hide Scores screen Delete submission column from instructor viewSAK-34839Resolved issue: SAK-34839Brian J.
- samigo: When a late test is auto-submitted, Scores screen only shows LATE flagSAK-34803Resolved issue: SAK-34803Brian J.
- Allow Instructor to apply same graded score to all non auto-scored question types such as Short AnswerSAK-34755Resolved issue: SAK-34755Core Team
- samigo: Incorrect tab display when accessing student submission via User Activity ReportSAK-34529Resolved issue: SAK-34529Jose Cebe
- samigo: Download File Submissions doesn't download multiple submissions from each studentSAK-34420Core Team
- Spaces needed after colonsSAK-34382SAMIGO TEAM
- samigo: Skin issue: Statistics page display makes stats difficult to readSAK-34340Resolved issue: SAK-34340Core Team
- Samigo/Tomcat fails viewing submission with huge amount of themSAK-34263Resolved issue: SAK-34263Core Team
- Item Analysis page load times excessive for large and how to find queries.SAK-34202Resolved issue: SAK-34202SAMIGO TEAM
- Delete publish assessment / can not delete if user has been removed from site with submission attemptSAK-34190Resolved issue: SAK-34190Andrea Schmidt
- Statistics / part dropdown list concatenates the current and previous item progressivelySAK-34181Resolved issue: SAK-34181Derek Ramsey
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