samigo: Scores screens feature request - grade by student - navigation to next ungraded
An instructor who grades submissions by student in Tests & Quizzes would like to have navigation buttons on each student's grade page to jump to Next, Previous, Previous Ungraded and Next Ungraded, as you can when grading assignments in the Assignments tool.
As in Assignments, each of these buttons should also save the scores of the student whose page is being viewed when you select the navigation button.
Presumably, such an option in Tests & Quizzes would also need to skip over students with no submission.
An instructor who grades submissions by student in Tests & Quizzes would like to have navigation buttons on each student's grade page to jump to Next, Previous, Previous Ungraded and Next Ungraded, as you can when grading assignments in the Assignments tool.
As in Assignments, each of these buttons should also save the scores of the student whose page is being viewed when you select the navigation button.
Presumably, such an option in Tests & Quizzes would also need to skip over students with no submission.