samigo: Download File Submissions doesn't download multiple submissions from each student


Issue: The Download File Submissions option purports to download all submissions to all File Upload type questions in a test. However, if the instructor allows multiple submissions OR allows a particular student to do a retake, Download File Submissions does NOT download all submissions - which submission gets downloaded for that particular student depends on the grading settings in the test and whether or not any of the submissions has been graded.

Proposed solutions in order of more to less preferred:

  1. Ideally: Add a drop-down menu to the Download File Submissions page similar to the View drop-down found on individual question pages, allowing the instructor to choose whether to download All Submissions OR whichever submission would be downloaded by default based on the assessment's scoring settings (i.e. highest or last submission).

  2. Make Download File Submissions include All Submissions and not JUST the highest or last submission for each student.

  3. If neither of the above is possible, include explanatory text on the Download File Submissions page to indicate to the instructor that which submission gets downloaded is based on how they have chosen to grade the test (highest, last, or average score). If highest submission (default) was accepted for grading, the file downloaded will be the item that was uploaded to whichever submission the student scored the most points on (assuming there are other questions in the test and some were graded already). If the instructor really wants to download multiple submissions for each student, they'll need to go to individual Question pages to access All Submissions.
    (I'm sure my description in proposed solution #3 is confusing, which is why I'd prefer #2 to #3.)

Testing Steps:

  1. Have 8 files on your computer to upload - any type is fine - for ease of testing, make sure each file has a different file name.

  2. In a site with at least two students, create an assessment with at least two File Upload type questions; make sure to assign points to these questions.

  3. Make the assessment unlimited submissions and leave all other settings default.

  4. Log in as Student 1 and take the test. Upload a unique file for each question and submit.

  5. As the SAME student, take the test again. Upload a DIFFERENT unique file for each question and submit.

  6. Log in as Student 2 and take the test. Upload a unique file for each question and submit.

  7. As the SAME student, take the test again. Upload a DIFFERENT unique file for each question and submit.

  8. Log in as instructor and go to Tests & Quizzes > Scores for the test. Select Download File Submissions.

  9. Download the submissions for both questions and confirm that the last submission for each student is included in the zip file.

  10. Go back to the Total Scores screen and select All Submissions from the View drop-down.

  11. Enter some points for the first submission for each student and Update Points. Note: By default, multiple submissions for each student are not always sorted in the same chronological order - you may want to click the Submit Date link at the top of that column in the table to automatically sort them.

  12. Choose Download File Submissions and confirm the correct behavior based on the scoring model: now you get the first submission from each student in the download.

  13. Go to Published Copies and modify the Settings for the test.

  14. Select Grading and Feedback and change the recorded score to last submission, and save.

  15. Go to Scores for the test > Download File Submissions.

  16. Download all again and confirm the correct behavior based on the scoring model: you get the last submission from each student in the download.



Tiffany Stull July 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM

Per SAK-43589, this also affects current versions (through 21).

Benjamin Rappleyea March 30, 2018 at 8:39 AM

have you also tested this in 12 or 13 already?





Created June 2, 2017 at 5:04 PM
Updated August 5, 2020 at 6:08 PM