Quiz: Download all file submissions should include File Upload submissions
If a quiz has a *File upload* question type, after files are uploaded on attempts and submitted a *Download file submissions* tab appears for instructor to download submitted files.
The logic of the downloads doesn't seem to take into account quizzes with multiple attempts. If a student attempts a quiz multiple times, it will download the file(s) added in the attempt with their highest score only. If there aren't other questions on the quiz that are auto-graded (ex: MC, T/F) then there is no score yet so the download looks to include file on their last attempt.
Listing as minor priority as instructor can get files by going to each attempt but it's not scalable if the quiz has many multiple attempts.
Marty Soupcoff (not active in Sakai community anymore) October 1, 2020 at 1:25 PM
Closing in preference of
Tiffany Stull July 28, 2020 at 11:12 AM
your instructors can download all submissions on a per-question basis. I have steps here: How do I download submissions to file upload questions? I assume the Download File Submissions tab can be made to behave the same way as the per-question download all.
Tiffany Stull July 28, 2020 at 11:10 AM
This is a duplicate of SAK-34420. I propose to close this as a duplicate because includes the solution suggested here, as well as a more desirable recommendation to allow the instructor to select whether to download all vs. last/highest submission.
Marty Soupcoff (not active in Sakai community anymore) April 22, 2020 at 11:19 AM
This may necessitate the changing of file names that the *Download file submissions* functions spits out as if a student has multiple attempts, instructor needs to be able to tell which file is for which attempt for the student
Marty Soupcoff (not active in Sakai community anymore) April 22, 2020 at 11:11 AM
In addition, current behavior doesn't match with what quiz *Export* function does. When an instructor does that, they get a spreadsheet with a line for each attempt; including a new line for each of the multiple attempts a student may make.
If a quiz has a *File upload* question type, after files are uploaded on attempts and submitted a *Download file submissions* tab appears for instructor to download submitted files.
The logic of the downloads doesn't seem to take into account quizzes with multiple attempts. If a student attempts a quiz multiple times, it will download the file(s) added in the attempt with their highest score only. If there aren't other questions on the quiz that are auto-graded (ex: MC, T/F) then there is no score yet so the download looks to include file on their last attempt.
Listing as minor priority as instructor can get files by going to each attempt but it's not scalable if the quiz has many multiple attempts.