samigo: Property to hide Scores screen Delete submission column from instructor view
depends on
is related to
relates to

Vaishnavi krishna April 11, 2018 at 1:13 PMEdited
Works fine on the server- (Able to delete the test from the published copies.)
Worked on the browser-Chrome/IE
Attaching the word document-Hideproperty.Docx

Tiffany Stull September 18, 2017 at 8:35 AM
We encountered an issue recently where it was necessary for an admin to delete an erroneous submission. I now see the value of the Delete submission column, as long as it is restricted to admin access with the property described here, AND as long as deleting an assessment with submissions is made to no longer depend upon deleting submissions.


Property addition/change required
Created June 8, 2017 at 10:22 AM
Updated August 20, 2018 at 2:24 PM
Resolved March 27, 2018 at 7:34 PM
Per my comment in SAM-2901, the Delete Submissions option in Tests & Quizzes is a potential pitfall for instructors to accidentally, permanently remove student work. There are other workarounds for adjusting scores to correct which submission is scored, and you can allow a student a retake (rather than wiping their submission).
UVA has a solution for this issue that we intend to contribute back: a Sakai property, samigo.removeSubmission.restricted which behaves as follows:
If samigo.removeSubmission.restricted = true is set at the institutional level, the Delete Submission option is not visible to instructors by default.
Admin users are ALWAYS able to Delete Submission on behalf of an instructor, if requested.
If an instructor/project site administrator complains and has a valid reason for deleting published assessment after submissions have been made, admin user can add the property to an individual site, samigo.removeSubmission.restricted = false. (Setting the site-level property true again hides the option from instructors.)
NOTE: In UVA's instance, the above property was intended to be applied WITH samigo.removePubAssessment.restricted.afterStart () enabled at the institutional level. As such, testing steps for After Fix below were copied from our local jira and express desired behavior when BOTH properties are enabled.