Do not allow instructors to edit or remove a published test after any activity
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Yuanhua Qu June 26, 2015 at 12:29 PM
I have been working SAM-2587, which is touching similar concern of removing published assessment.
I found some properties added in this JIRA and feel like a bit confusing. For example, default value for samigo.removePubAssessment.restricted.afterStart is false; I interpret that as Remove should be available in the selection for published assessment since remove restricted is false, which means not restricted for removing.
But it seems there is more conditions added therefore Remove will not show up if there is any submissions/in progress etc.
It also confuses me to see Remove sometime shows up in the selection list for Published assessment whereas sometime not shows up; I am little concerned that if instructors could have similar confusions. May I propose:
1. Have a property to be able to allow whether have Remove in the selection list for published assessment (optional).
2. Put the other conditional check in the back end like a feedback message if user tries to remove when a published assessment has students submissions and guide them to the page where they may manually remove the submissions before remove the assessment.
The second part of the proposal is actually what we have done for years locally in Texas State Univ and tried to contribute back to the community and PR is making it possible.
Just our 2 cents. Not sure if above is making sense to you all.
Matthew Jones May 19, 2015 at 3:58 PMEdited
We're running this one locally, but not sure how easy this will be to merge. It doesn't look like it adds any new i18n properties here.
Bryan Holladay January 30, 2015 at 8:12 AM
Matt merged the pull request to remove the debug text
Matthew Jones January 29, 2015 at 5:36 PM
It looks like there was some debugging code left in there in authorIndex, so reopening this with a new pull request
Bryan Holladay May 21, 2013 at 11:19 AM
To use samigo.editPubAssessment.restricted.afterStart you need to set:
This extends the work done for the property:
However, this property only restricts editing after there is at least one submission.
I've added two new properties
(defaults are false)
These will restrict editing and removing published tests after a test has been started (i.e. pending or submitted). It allows editing and removing published tests before any activity has been done.