Allow instructors to see all responses of re-taken assessment
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Brian J. August 7, 2018 at 8:52 AM
, yes I would say so.

Sam Ottenhoff August 6, 2018 at 4:58 PM
is this a good candidate for 12.x merge?

Prabhleen Kaur June 21, 2018 at 3:25 PM
Tested on server:

Tiffany Stull April 3, 2018 at 12:25 PMEdited
The fix here is to allow for this part of your ticket:
Plus after the student completes the second attempt the instructor should be able to see the partial attempt plus the completed one to compare.
I don't understand the additional part of your feature request described in your comment? Either an assessment attempt is submitted or it's not, regardless of how many questions were answered. If the student has saved work in an untimed test, but not submitted, and the due/late submission date has passed, the instructor can extend the date to let the student complete and submit it.
If the request is to allow instructors to see student submissions in progress similar to how they can access Draft submissions in Assignments after an assignment's Accept Until date, this would be completely new functionality for Samigo and require a separate jira.

Brian J. April 3, 2018 at 10:39 AM
I've submitted a PR on behalf of UVa.
For multiple submission assessments, there's a View drop-down menu available in the Scores screens to select either All Submissions or the [Recorded Submission/Score] (the latter button's name depends on the setting for Recorded Score If Multiple Submissions per User). However, if an assessment ONLY allows 1 submission (as do most assessments), the drop-down menu is not present. If the instructor chooses Allow Retake for a student, the student's second submission cannot be viewed side-by-side with their original submission UNLESS the instructor changes the test settings to allow at least 2 submissions for ALL students. Absence of the drop-down for the instructor when a retake has been submitted can be a greater problem for the student as follows:
Test is configured to accept Highest Score (DEFAULT).
Student scores higher on FIRST submission. This would be the case if there are manually-graded questions, and some grades were entered for those questions by the instructor before the retake was allowed.
Instructor doesn't realize they're not seeing the new submission, and the final grade for the assessment is based on the first submission.
Solution: The drop-down menu to View All Submissions should be available for all assessments, because changing the selection on the drop-down would have no effect if there's only one submission per student.
Original ticket description: