samigo: When a late test is auto-submitted, Scores screen only shows LATE flag
- 27 Mar 2018, 10:17 AM
- 21 Mar 2018, 01:08 PM
- 11 Jan 2017, 08:30 AM
is related to
uddeshya kumar March 27, 2018 at 10:17 AMEdited
Tested on in Windiws 10/Chrome/Firefox
It works fine. Attached is the Screenshot by the name Late Auto Submit Flags

Brian J. March 24, 2018 at 3:42 PM
I've retested this and it's working as expected. I think the problem was the test plan; I've updated it accordingly. @uddeshya kumar, can you please try testing again using the updated testing steps?

Brian J. March 21, 2018 at 1:34 PM
Thanks, I'll take another look at this either tonight or tomorrow night.
I just want to verify that you are following these steps:
quiz that has both due date and a retract date (which is after the due date), and has auto-submit enabled
answer questions as student after the due date, but do not actually submit, just exit the quiz
the auto-submit job has run and actually submitted the quiz submission prior to looking for the flags in the instructor UI
uddeshya kumar March 21, 2018 at 1:04 PM
Tested on in Windows 10/Firefox
Reproduced the steps as mentioned but cannot find the Auto Submit along with Late. Only Late is being displayed. Attached is the screenshot.


If a test has both a late acceptance date AND autosubmit enabled in its Settings, and a student saves the test AFTER the due date, and BEFORE the late acceptance date, but does not submit the test at all, then the Scores screen only displays one flag under the student's submission date: LATE. We'd like for it to display both flags: LATE, AUTO-SUBMIT.
When a student saves a test after the due date, and the test gets auto-submitted, the system records and displays the following information regarding the student's submission:
Date at which the student last saved the exam - this date is displayed on the Scores page as the Submit Date
Date at which the actual automatic submission occurs - this date is displayed on the user-facing Event Log as the Date Submitted
That the test was LATE - this flag appears underneath the assessment Submit Date in the Scores screen
That the test was automatically submitted - this displays in the Errors column of the user-facing Event Log as No Errors (Auto submit)
Note: The Scores screen has another flag available to it for automatically-submitted tests, which does NOT display under a LATE test - AUTO-SUBMIT