Auto-submit with due date and late allowed but no exceptions is logging the incorrect submission time
- 13 Oct 2017, 08:44 PM
- 13 Oct 2017, 08:44 PM

Andrea Schmidt November 13, 2017 at 9:17 PM
Verified last clicked time is what displays in the Total Scores page
Sakai - 613a8294 - Sakai 13-SNAPSHOT - Server ip-172-31-6-159

Andrea Schmidt October 30, 2017 at 6:36 PM
Please close this. I ran this test again, no exceptions, kept going back and forth in the quiz until the late allowed time. Total Scores page showed the last time students actually clicked in the test.

Andrea Schmidt October 23, 2017 at 5:05 PM
On these type of tests, I go back and forth between the browsers (each student in a different browser) and click Previous, Next, Save continuously to see when the test is no longer available to the student. This is to make sure they really can submit late and that the correct submission time displays.

Tiffany Stull October 23, 2017 at 2:33 PMEdited
Regarding both this JIRA and SAM-3283, I believe the _Total Scores_ screen is presenting the correct date/time for the submission date - the time at which the student last took an action in the quiz that will log an event (i.e. the student clicked Begin Assessment, Continue Assessment, any navigation button in the assessment, or Submit for Grading).
Although AUTO-SUBMIT should display for these autosubmitted assessments, per SAM-3113, they are only showing LATE because each student last saved content in them later than the due date (any click occurring after the latest submission date should not be recorded as an event).
Whether we want the _Total Scores_ screen to display a different or an *additional* date/time for the submission date would be a feature request rather than a bug.
IMO, the current behavior for autosubmitted tests - when the student last saved content in the test is the submission date indicated on the Total Scores screen - is the desired behavior. If we are going to indicate the actual auto-submission date on Total Scores, I would prefer to see a separate indication of this on the screen under the Submit Date column:
7:25 (Last Student Action)
7:30 (Autosubmit)
That said, if is brought into play so that both Autosubmit and Late are indicated in the Total Scores screen when both occur, perhaps an additional indication here of when the actual autosubmit took place would not be necessary?

Tiffany Stull October 23, 2017 at 1:55 PMEdited
To determine if this is behaving correctly, we need to know if the student took any action to navigate within the test between 7:25 (the stated submission date) and 7:30 (when the latest submission date occurred).
If no navigation took place after 7:25, the last time at which the student saved content in the test would have been 7:25, at which point, the _Total Scores_ screen is displaying the correct/expected submission date of when the student last took action on the test.
Late means that the student stopped taking action on the test later than the due date. See for more information regarding late flags on an auto-submitted test.
Affects versions


I created the quiz from scratch, it was not duplicated or modified. No exceptions were added so I could rule out if exceptions were responsible for the problems seen. Both a due date and a retract date were set.
The settings were:
Due = 7:25; Late = 7:30, Auto-submit enabled, no exceptions
Student1 started the quiz 1 minute before the due time
Student2 started the quiz at the due time
7:26 - ran auto-submit job
Students continued in quiz until I ran the auto-submit job at 7:31, it finished at 7:32
Students tried to submit quiz
Submissions weren't available to the instructor
Worked on another test, then went back to this one and ran auto-submit again at 7:39
This time the submissions were available to the instructor
The Total Scores page shows the submission times as 07:25:33 PM LATE and 07:25:48 PM LATE
Both students should have had a submission time of 7:30
I compared the time on my Win10 and iMAC computers with the server time and my clocks are 2 seconds ahead of the server, not enough of a time difference to affect the quizzes