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samigo: Exceptions to time limit/delivery dates allow you to set two different exceptions for a single user/group.



You can create two different exceptions for the same student or group.

Proposed fix: Once an exception has been saved for a particular user/group, remove their name from the list of available users/groups to select from when creating another new exception.

Note: There are some other jiras (SAK-44729, ) related to checking whether students are in groups that have exceptions before setting an exception for a student. I don't think that's an issue (as you may want a specific student who is also in a group to have a different exception than the group of which they are a member).


Test Plan

Note: Should be tested with keyboard/screen reader also.

  1. Create a site with at least 5 students and Tests & Quizzes.

  2. As instructor, go to Site Info and select "Manage Groups".

  3. Create a new group and add 2 students to it.

  4. In Tests & Quizzes, create a quiz with at least one question.

  5. Go to "Settings" for the quiz.

  6. In "Availability and Submissions", set an available date, due date, and time limit.

  7. Open the "Exceptions to time limit and delivery dates" section.

  8. From the "Exception for User" menu, select a student.

  9. Enter an exception (e.g., different time limit) and select "Add Exception". Expected behavior is that the exception appears in the "Existing Exceptions" area of the page below the button.

  10. Go back up to the "Exception for User" menu
    (modified) and select the same user and try to add another exception

    • If issue fixed: Now the student for whom you just added the exception should NOT be available to select there.
      (modified) An error message displays and you cannot add another exception for the same student

    • If issue present: You can select the same student and create another, different exception for that same user.

  11. From the "Exception for Group" menu, select the group you created.

  12. Enter some exception dates/time limits and Add Exception. Expected behavior is that the exception appears in the "Existing Exceptions" area of the page below the button.

  13. Go back up to the "Exception for Group" menu
    (modified) and select the same group and try to add another exception

    • If issue fixed: Now the group for whom you just added the exception should NOT be available to select there.
      (modified) An error message displays and you cannot add another exception for the same group

    • If issue present: You can select the same group and create another, different exception for that same group.






23 Status

QA Verification Pass

22 Status



Affects versions


Created March 30, 2021 at 4:39 PM
Updated October 24, 2023 at 6:40 AM
Resolved September 25, 2023 at 9:51 PM



Andrea Schmidt September 26, 2023 at 10:22 PM

Andrea Schmidt September 25, 2023 at 9:43 PM

Thanks I think the test plan just needs to be updated to match the behavior if this is how it was fixed.

I’ll update the test plan and set this to verified.

Julian Janetschek September 25, 2023 at 3:01 PM

This fix does not remove a selected group/user from the list. It just uses an already in sakai existing method, which validates the exceptions and displays the error message. Before the fix only first exception in the list of defined exceptions was validated, which understandably  cannot check if multiple exceptions for the same user/group are defined.
I feel this error message was initially the desired behavior. Maybe the test plan and expected behavior should be updated/changed?

Andrea Schmidt September 23, 2023 at 2:18 PM

Tested on 24x:, build: b78982a5

This fails on step 10. I still see the same user in the list to select. I do receive an error message: “Entries may not be duplicated. Duplicate extended time entries detected for the following users: 'Drew, Nancy (ndrew)'.” and it does not allow me to save.

This is different than the “expected” behavior described if the Jira is fixed, though.

I’m seeing the same behavior for groups - the selected group is still in the list of groups to choose from.

If the expectations have changed and the user/group continues to show up in the list to be selected again, but displays the error message, please indicate that this is the new “expected” behavior.

Automation for Jira June 12, 2023 at 1:58 PM

A pull request has been created, "SAK-45277: samigo: Exceptions does not allow to set two different exc…", you can see it at