samigo: accessibility: Minimum point value is incompatible with Negative Marking, but not obvious to instructor authoring
Test Plan
Testing after fix (true false):
Turn on a screen reader (e.g., NVDA or VoiceOver).
Create a quiz (or edit an existing one) and add a True False question.
Using the tab key on your keyboard, navigate down to Answer Point Value field and fill it with a value greater than 0, e.g., 10.
Tab down to Minimum Point Value field. When you get focus in the field, the screen reader should read you the field label and the instruction text associated with it: "Minimum Point Value (optional)" and "*Points assigned to the user for attempting the question." Depending on the screen reader you are using, the field label and "star points assigned..." may be read separately, with "Edit has autocomplete blank" (or something similar to tell you it's an editable text field) in between the phrases.
Enter a value for Minimum Point Value that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to answer point value.
Tab out of Minimum Point Value field.
Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer field should become disabled, with the following message appearing on the screen under the disabled field and read as an "alert" by the screen reader:
Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer disabled when using Minimum Point Value. Set Minimum Point Value to 0 to enable Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer.
Use Shift + Tab to navigate back up to Minimum Point Value field.
Change min value to 0, then Tab out of field.
The message should go away and Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer field should become re-enabled.
Tab or Shift + Tab to navigate into Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer field. You should hear with the screen reader the field label and instruction message associated with it: "Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer" and "Optional. Pertains only to 'True False' or 'Multiple Choice, Single Correct' questions."
Enter a value for points deducted that is less than or equal to answer point value, then Tab out of field.
Minimum Point Value field should become disabled, with the following message appearing on the screen under the disabled field and read as an "alert" by the screen reader:
Minimum Point Value disabled when using Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer. Set Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer to 0 to enable Minimum Point Value.
Testing will also need to be done for editing the question after saving it (to ensure fields continue to behave as expected on edit), publishing, and editing in published copy.
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Andrea Schmidt August 7, 2021 at 8:38 AM
Thanks Going through the test scripts now (in prep for the 22 release) to see what Jiras to add, or what has been resolved.
Tiffany Stull August 6, 2021 at 9:09 AMEdited
I know there are several other separate jiras dealing with the issue of min value's conflict with negative marking, with various fixes that are incomplete (either due to accessibility issues with the alert messages or because editing the question after initially creating it does not keep fields disabled as expected). I've updated the testing steps needed to verify the chunk of this that UVA currently has a local fix for in true false questions.
Andrea Schmidt April 15, 2021 at 6:46 PMEdited
Adding affects versions:
21x:, build: 26c0ee5
20x:, build: 821053ff
22x is partially working. Will create a separate Jira for some of the oddities.
Tiffany Stull July 16, 2019 at 11:24 AM
Ideally, if you've already entered a min value, a warning message should pop up when trying to Enable Negative Marking. The message should indicate that Minimum Point Value is not compatible with Negative Marking, your currently-entered minimum value will be removed, and ask if you're sure you want to enable Negative Marking instead.
It makes sense that minimum point value is not compatible with negative marking. However, if an instructor tries to enter a minimum value, then adds a negative marking value, the min value wipes from the box with a barely visible flash of red. Same goes for the other way around - enter a negative marking value, followed by a min value, and the negative marking value zeroes out.
Here's a video demonstrating:
This is the same behavior seen in for partial credit multiple choice.
A similar fix should be applied to the one in SAK-34160. When min value is entered, the negative marking option should gray out and display a message that it is not compatible with min value, and vice versa.
Recommended Solution: When the instructor enters a value in the *Minimum Point Value* box, zero out and disable the text box to type in *Points deducted for incorrect answer* or *Negative Marking* and indicate to the user that the negative marking option is not available with Minimum Point Value, e.g. underneath the negative marking text box, _Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer disabled when using Minimum Point Value. Set Minimum Point Value to 0 to enable Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer._
Similarly, when the instructor enters a value in either a *Points deducted for incorrect answer* or *Negative Marking* field, the *Minimum Point Value* box should be nulled and disabled with the message Minimum Point Value disabled when using Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer. Set Points Deducted for Incorrect Answer to 0 to enable Minimum Point Value.
To reproduce issue:
Create a quiz and add a *Multiple Choice* question.
Enter an _Answer Point Value_.
Enter a _Minimum Point Value_ that is greater than 0 and less than your Answer Point Value.
Under _Answer_, leave the default *Single Correct* and select the radio button *Enable Negative Marking*.
Enter a value greater than 0 in the _Negative Marking_ field and remove focus from the box.
Note that the _Minimum Point Value_ box clears out the number you entered before and flashes red briefly (no text as to why your min point value was removed), per video linked below (the video shows a True False question, but the behavior is the same).
Now enter a value in the _Minimum Point Value_ box and remove focus from the box.
Note that the _Negative Marking_ field clears out and flashes red.
Select *Multiple Correct, Single Selection*.
Enter a value greater than 0 in the _Points deducted for correct answer_ box.
Note that the _Minimum Point Value_ box clears out the number you entered before and flashes red briefly.
Enter a _Minimum Point Value_ and note that the _Points deducted for correct answer_ box zeroes out.
Select *Multiple Correct, Multiple Selection*, then *All or Nothing*.
Enter a value greater than 0 in the _Points deducted for correct answer_ box and note that the _Minimum Point Value_ box clears out.
Enter a _Minimum Point Value_ and note that the _Points deducted for correct answer_ box zeroes out.
From the _Change question type_ menu, select *True False*.
Enter a _Minimum Point Value_, then _Points deducted for incorrect answer_ and you will find the same bad behavior as with multiple choice.