samigo: Minimum point value fails for incorrectly answered MCMS All or Nothing questions if student selects specific combinations of right/wrong answers


Minimum point value does not work correctly for multiple choice, multiple correct questions with the scoring setting All or Nothing, if the student answers the question incorrectly with one of the following answer combinations:

  • Student selects more than one correct answer option and does not select any wrong answer options.

  • Student selects all the correct answers, plus one incorrect answer.

The student gets 0 points and the instructor's Scores > Questions screen displays this as a negative value: -0.0 points.

Environment Windows 10 Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Test Plan

To reproduce:

  1. On the server where you are testing, enable the property *samigo.allowMinScore = true*.

  2. In a site with at least one student, create a quiz with a multiple choice question that has the following settings:

    • Point value: 10

    • Minimum point value: 5

    • Multiple correct, multiple selection

    • All or nothing

    • Enter four answer options, three of which are correct.

  3. In the assessment settings:

    • Unlimited submissions

    • Grading and Feedback > Feedback on Submission > select:

      • Student Response

      • Correct Response

      • Student's Question and Part Scores

      • Student's Assessment Scores

  4. As a student, take the quiz 5 times, answering as follows:

    1. Select just the incorrect answer option.

    2. Select one of the correct answer options, but no other answer options.

    3. Select one or two correct answer options and one incorrect answer option.

    4. Select just two of the correct answer options.

    5. Select all the correct answer options AND the incorrect answer option.

  5. Check your feedback.
    Incorrect behavior: For attempts #4 and 5, you get 0 points.
    Expected behavior: You get 5 points for each submission.
    Screenshots of each combination of answer options described above, with #4 and 5 failing to award points:

  6. Log in as instructor and go to Scores > Questions and View All Submissions for the affected question Incorrect behavior: For affected responses, it shows -0.0.





Andrea Schmidt April 14, 2021 at 6:41 PM

This also affects 22x




22 Status

Please Merge



Created August 14, 2018 at 9:54 AM
Updated March 1, 2022 at 12:48 AM