Publish Private Session

Publish Private Session

Actor: Session creator/owner
Goal: Define office hours for individual meetings with attendees
Scope: Course site(s)
Level: Summary
Preconditions: Needs create permission, tool is present in site
Stakeholder: Viewers and potential attendees
Guarantees: Potential attendees know what meeting time/time slots are available

Main Success Scenario:

  1. Owner has system create a new private session.
  2. Tool lists all available sites and groups within those sites.
  3. Owner chooses which sites and groups to include as potential Attendees.
  4. Enters the following information for the session:
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Location
    4. Date
    5. Start time
    6. Number of meeting slots
    7. Duration of each slot
    8. Maximum number of attendees for each slot
    9. Date/time when sign-ups open
    10. Date/time when sign-ups close
    11. Whether names of attendees will be visible to other users
  5. Tool calculates total length of session and displays end time.
  6. Owner indicates whether the meeting will repeat
    1. Owner chooses the number of weeks the meeting will repeat
    2. Tool allows owner to remove individual dates from series (e.g., holidays)
  7. Tool posts session(s) on calendar.
  8. Owner chooses to send email to potential Attendees.
  9. Tool sends email(s).


  • At any time before step 8, Owner can cancel out of tool without saving any changes.
    2a No available sites were found. Tool informs Owner that no sites are available