Adding an LTI 1.3 (Advantage) Tool

Uses auto-configuration available as of Sakai 21

Video - Adding an LTI Tool

Tsugi Admin Setup

Log into

  1. Click Manage Access Keys

  2. Click Tenant Keys

  3. Click Insert Tenant

    1. Add a key title

    2. Enter a key in LTI 1.1: OAuth Consumer Key - This key needs to be unique in Tsugi. Do not use 12345 for the key

    3. Leave LTI 1.1: OAuth Consumer Secret empty

    4. For User Id enter: 1

    5. Save the key

  4. Click on the key just created

    1. Click Edit

    2. For Dynamic Registration Unlock Code (one time use) enter: 42

    3. Save the key

    4. Click on the key again

  5. Click on the Sakai tab > and click Copy beside LTI Dynamic Registration URL. You will need this URL in Sakai

Sakai Admin Setup

Adding the “Store”

Log into Sakai as an admin to > Worksite Setup > Administration Workspace > External Tools

  1. Click LTI Dynamic Registration - LTI Dynamic Registration page displays

  2. Enter a tool title and click Dynamic Registration - External Tool page displays

  3. Click Use LTI Dynamic Registration - LTI Dynamic Registration pop-up displays

  4. Paste the URL you copied from the Tenant Entry page when you created the key in Tsugi and click Begin Configuration - Page displays with configuration information

  5. Click Continue Registration in the LMS - Pop-up displays, asking "Do you want to change the title of this tool to: Sakai"

  6. Click Cancel to keep the tool title you entered above - External Tool page displays with a pop-up "Imported auto configuration data into the form, please review and save."

  7. Click OK on the pop-up - External Tool page displays with values populated

  8. Scroll down to Launch Key and enter the key you entered in the Tsugi Tenant Key page
    Launch Secret: make sure this is empty

  9. The URL is automatically populated for the “Store” ( - if you want to add individual tools, instructions will be below

  10.  Allow launch URL to be changed = Allow

  11.  Allow launch key to be changed = Do not allow

  12.  Privacy Settings: (automatically checked)

    • Send User Names to External Tool

    • Send Email Addresses to External Tool

  13.  Services: (automatically checked)

    • Allow External Tool to return grades

    • Allow External Tool to create grade columns

    • Provide Roster to External Tool

  14.  Launch type - make sure the following is checked:

    • The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch

  15.  Launch type - make sure the following is NOT checked:

    • The tool URL can receive an LTI launch

  16.  Indicate where these tools are placed in Sakai. (automatically checked)

    • Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons

    • Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types

    • Allow the tool to be used from the rich text editor

    • Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental)

    • Allow the tool to provide a common cartridge (usually to be imported into a tool like Lessons)

  17.  Tool supports LTI 1.3 is selected

  18.  Click Save

Adding an Individual Tool

Follow the instructions above, 1-8.

  1. For the Launch URL, replace the existing URL with the one you want to use

  2.  Allow launch URL to be changed = Do not allow

  3.  Allow launch key to be changed = Do not allow

  4.  Privacy Settings: (automatically checked)

    • Send User Names to External Tool

    • Send Email Addresses to External Tool

  5.  Services: (automatically checked)

    • Allow External Tool to return grades

    • Allow External Tool to create grade columns

    • Provide Roster to External Tool

  6.  Launch type - make sure the following is checked:

    • The tool URL can receive an LTI launch

    • Make sure the following is NOT checked: The tool can receive a Content-Item or Deep-Link launch

  7.  Indicate where these tools are placed in Sakai. 

    • Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons

  8.  Tool supports LTI 1.3 is selected

  9.  Click Save

URLs for Individual Tools