Tests & Quizzes: How to setup auto-submit

Setting the Auto-submit Option

Tests & Quizzes has a setting to have quizzes auto-submit when the due date or late allowed date has arrived. 

  1. Create a quiz

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Autosubmit saved student work after latest acceptance date is under the Availability and Submissions sections

  4. Check the box to enable it

Auto-submit Option Not Available

If the autosubmit option is not available in your quiz, you will need to log in as an admin and make it available. After the admin enables it, the option will be available in any new quizzes created. It will not be available in quizzes you have already created.

  1. Log into the server as admin

  2. Enter the site you’re working in as the instructor

  3. Click on Tests & Quizzes

  4. Click on the Assessment Types tab 

  5. Under Saved Assessment Types, click the Default Assessment Type

  6. Click on the Submissions section

  7. Scroll down to Automatic Submissions

  8. Check the box for Can edit default value (below)? And Save

  9. The option should now be available for any new quizzes created

The Auto-submit Job

When quizzes have auto-submit enabled, the auto-submit job needs to be run by the admin in order for the quizzes to actually be submitted and available to the instructor if they “auto-submitted” for the student.

Running the Job

Job Listed on Job Scheduler Page

  1. Log into the server as admin

  2. Click on Job Scheduler in the navigation menu

  3. Click on the Jobs tab

  4. Look for the Auto Submit Assessments Job and click the Triggers(0) link

  5. Click the Run Job Now tab

  6. Run Job Now confirmation displays, click Run Now

  7. The Job Scheduler page displays again. Click the Event Log tab

  8. Event Log displays and you can see if your job has completed (at which point the auto-submitted quizzes will be available to the instructor).

Job Not Listed on Job Scheduler Page

If you do not see the Auto Submit Assessments Job listed on the Jobs tab, you will need to add it first.

  1. Click on the New Job tab

  2. Select Auto Submit Assessment Job from the Type drop-down and enter the same for the Job Name, then Post the job

  3. Jobs page displays again and the job is ready to be used