- Overlapping of "Insert a link" and "Insert an image" overlaysSAK-49846
- eduPerson Change 2016SAK-46137Resolved issue: SAK-46137David Horwitz
- common, edu-service: Deprecated Query setString, setBoolean => setParameterSAK-45811Resolved issue: SAK-45811David Horwitz
- Hibernate5 deprecated: Query => query.QuerySAK-44162Resolved issue: SAK-44162David Horwitz
- Commons: Remove redundant -pack projectsSAK-43070Resolved issue: SAK-43070David Horwitz
- Update Apache commons-compress 1.19SAK-42422Resolved issue: SAK-42422David Horwitz
- commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41467Resolved issue: SAK-41467David Horwitz
- Common ApiSAK-33633Resolved issue: SAK-33633David Horwitz
- Unable to import zip archive for a second timeSAK-32300Resolved issue: SAK-32300Matthew Buckett
- Resolve the Portal Page's Scroll Bar (there should Not be one)SAK-31812
- samigo-qti/ implements XPath functionality contained within common-impl/XPathHelperSAK-31209Resolved issue: SAK-31209Core Team
- Migrate Integration tests after removal of test-harnessSAK-30086Earle Nietzel
- Dont setCacheable on getPrivacyRecord because no invalidationSAK-29973Resolved issue: SAK-29973Sam Ottenhoff
- Authenticate using OAuth2SAK-29847Resolved issue: SAK-29847
- blackboard import doesn't handle files such as images embedded in questionsSAK-29744Resolved issue: SAK-29744
- archiveAndZip method should return String results similar to archiveSAK-29607
- Close streams in finally blocksSAK-29513Resolved issue: SAK-29513Sam Ottenhoff
- Remove old maven 1 project.xml filesSAK-29499Resolved issue: SAK-29499Earle Nietzel
- Common: Sync blackboard import in trunk with Longsight branchSAK-29227Resolved issue: SAK-29227
- Remove duplicate common-cartridge dependency.SAK-29220Resolved issue: SAK-29220Matthew Buckett
- take Longsight updates to bb6 importSAK-28947Resolved issue: SAK-28947
- Add Blackboard import to Site Info Import from ArchiveSAK-28032Resolved issue: SAK-28032Charles Hedrick
- update common cartridge import to use the CC code from importSAK-28031Resolved issue: SAK-28031
- Fix warnings related to hibernate namespaceSAK-26284Resolved issue: SAK-26284Matthew Jones
- Remove ehcache specific code from common/privacySAK-26110Resolved issue: SAK-26110Aaron Zeckoski
- Improvements to Site Archive toolSAK-25867Resolved issue: SAK-25867Sam Ottenhoff
- Improve documentation and add generics to import code.SAK-25550Resolved issue: SAK-25550Matthew Buckett
- high CPU and dbpool usage result from hibernate querySAK-25342Resolved issue: SAK-25342
- Centralize commons-logging versionSAK-23721Resolved issue: SAK-23721Aaron Zeckoski
- Edit content in larger windowSAK-23281
- add spelling correction options to content editorSAK-23280Resolved issue: SAK-23280
- Archive import throws IdUnusedException if site doesnt exist, but creates it anywaySAK-23183Resolved issue: SAK-23183Matthew Jones
- Fonts overlap for larger sizesSAK-23106Resolved issue: SAK-23106
- site of provided type from SiteTypeProvider got created with wrong type, plus a minor message bundle change neededSAK-22998Resolved issue: SAK-22998Zhen Qian
- Samigo: image didn't import from xmlSAK-22600Resolved issue: SAK-22600
- Importing an large archive (in site-manage) consumes large amounts of memorySAK-21650Resolved issue: SAK-21650Matthew Jones
- Get common to build site "site:site" mvn targetSAK-21595Resolved issue: SAK-21595Sam Ottenhoff
- CLONE - POM changes required for releases via Maven 3SAK-21432Resolved issue: SAK-21432Steve Swinsburg
- SakaiPerson manager doesn't allow saves even if there is a security advisorSAK-21327Resolved issue: SAK-21327Steve Swinsburg
- can throw a NPE if no session has been establishedSAK-21325Resolved issue: SAK-21325Steve Swinsburg
- Modify common archive package and add LessonBuilderEntityProducer to list of mergeFilteredSakaiServicesSAK-21322Resolved issue: SAK-21322Sam Ottenhoff
- Importing archives extracts nested zipfiles.SAK-21063Resolved issue: SAK-21063
- Common: Implement resource id truncation in more universal waySAK-20979Resolved issue: SAK-20979Sam Ottenhoff
- Common project release fails due to errors when rendering Maven reportsSAK-20961Resolved issue: SAK-20961Anthony Whyte
- Get rid of warning when building assembliesSAK-20938Resolved issue: SAK-20938
- Fix ddl for commonSAK-20919Resolved issue: SAK-20919Steve Swinsburg
- Common does not build in Maven 3SAK-20918Resolved issue: SAK-20918Steve Swinsburg
- Update svn:ignore for eclipse filesSAK-20629Resolved issue: SAK-20629Matthew Buckett
- Adjust SAKAI_PERSON_T hibernate mapping for type="text" and larger sizeSAK-20598Resolved issue: SAK-20598Steve Swinsburg
- Update maven-assembly-plugin to 2.2.1SAK-20538Resolved issue: SAK-20538Sam Ottenhoff
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