Centralize commons-logging version


There's currently several places in the trunk code where there is a hard coded version of the commons-logging artifact. This patch puts these into a variable called ${sakai.commons-logging.version}. This should make it so you edit a version number in 1 place (master/pom.xml) instead of 50. This patch should work if you apply it from the root directory of trunk.

It's also worth noting that there's 2 versions that were commonly used in trunk, 1.0.4 and 1.1.1. This patch will point to the newer 1.1.1.

This is a list of the files that would change and what version they had hardcoded:

access/access-impl/impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
alias/alias-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
basiclti/basiclti-tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
citations/citations-impl/impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
citations/citations-osid/web2bridge/pom.xml 1.0.4
citations/citations-servlet/servlet/pom.xml 1.0.4
citations/citations-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
citations/citations-util/util/pom.xml 1.0.4
common/pom.xml 1.0.4
gradebook/app/business/pom.xml 1.0.4
gradebook/app/standalone-app/pom.xml 1.0.4
gradebook/testservice-tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
login/login-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
mailsender/pom.xml 1.1.1
memory/memory-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/common/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/glossary/api-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/glossary/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/integration/api-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/integration/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/matrix/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/portal/webapp/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/presentation/api-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/presentation/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/warehouse/api-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/wizard/api-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
osp/wizard/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/allhands/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/federating/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/hybrid/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/imsent/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/jldap-integration-test/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/jldap-mock/pom.xml 1.0.4
providers/openldap/pom.xml 1.0.4
rights/rights-impl/impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
rights/rights-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
rwiki/rwiki-access-tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
rwiki/rwiki-util/radeox/pom.xml 1.0.4
rwiki/rwiki-util/util/pom.xml 1.0.4
samigo/samlite-impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
shortenedurl/pom.xml 1.1.1
syllabus/syllabus-app/pom.xml 1.0.4
usermembership/impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
web/news-api/api/pom.xml 1.0.4
web/news-impl/impl/pom.xml 1.0.4
web/news-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
web/web-tool/tool/pom.xml 1.0.4
webservices/axis/pom.xml 1.1.1





Hudson CI Server June 24, 2013 at 8:05 PM

Integrated in basiclti trunk #852 (See http://builds.sakaiproject.org:8080/job/basiclti%20trunk/852/)

Result = SUCCESS

Hudson CI Server June 24, 2013 at 3:54 PM

Integrated in shortenedurl trunk #406 (See http://builds.sakaiproject.org:8080/job/shortenedurl%20trunk/406/)
- Centralize commons-logging version

Thanks to Charles Hasegawa and Unicon for testing the patch! (Revision 126177)

Result = SUCCESS

Hudson CI Server June 24, 2013 at 3:13 PM

Integrated in common trunk #647 (See http://builds.sakaiproject.org:8080/job/common%20trunk/647/)
- Centralize commons-logging version

Thanks to Charles Hasegawa and Unicon for testing the patch! (Revision 126177)

Result = SUCCESS

Gregory Thomas June 24, 2013 at 2:34 PM

r126177 - trunk commit

Not going to flag for 2.9.x for now, since this would technically be an "upgrade" for some of the tools going from version 1.0.4 to 1.1.1, but guessing it's not a big deal.

Gregory Thomas June 24, 2013 at 10:03 AM

Best I can tell, commons-logging-api is different than commons-logging. I couldn't find any mention of commons-logging-api anywhere in trunk. Doing a mvn dependency:tree command, it looks like it is a compile time artifact that's being brought in from the rome-fetcher artifact defined in /web/news-impl/impl/pom.xml. I think it shouldn't hurt anything with the commons-logging change specifically.




Affects versions

Fix versions




Created June 17, 2013 at 3:45 PM
Updated March 23, 2022 at 3:03 PM
Resolved June 24, 2013 at 2:34 PM