- Enable a side-by-side view for grading student submissions in Assignments on desktopSAK-50468
- LTI: Text Label for "Install LTI 1.x Tool" should be changed to "LTI 1.1 Tool" and note added about LTI 1.1SAK-50412Resolved issue: SAK-50412Zhuo Yang
- What is the reason for Safe Exam Browser being removed from Sakai 22.3.x and moved to S2U 22.x? Is there a chance that the Safe Exam Browser feature will be included in future versions of Sakai?SAK-50356Resolved issue: SAK-50356Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Export Roster for Groups does not list the Group nameSAK-50345Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Add an Expand All / Collapse All option in Date ManagerSAK-50239
- Tools in Date Manager should be listed in a discernable orderSAK-50238
- Unable to edit Discussion dates in Date Manager unless there is an existing date to be changedSAK-50237
- Lessons Checklist - item width and line breaksSAK-50179Resolved issue: SAK-50179Sam Ottenhoff
- Inability to copy RSS URLs using keyboard commands in the Announcements and Calendar tools.SAK-50167
- Test and Quizzes: No check for empty markup textSAK-50152Core Team
- Commons: Empty content posts with spaces / newline are createdSAK-50126Adrian Fish
- Commons: Not able to create new post using High PrioritySAK-50125Resolved issue: SAK-50125Adrian Fish
- Cannot add new Lessons items directly above the Comments item on a pageSAK-50098Core Team
- Gradebook: The grading table and student table has uneven padding in TASAK-50084Resolved issue: SAK-50084kunaljaykam
- Add Notifications for new Wiki contentSAK-50049
- Add Notifications for new or updated content in Syllabus toolSAK-50048Core Team
- Add Notifications for Sign Up eventsSAK-50047
- Add Notifications for Section Info toolSAK-50046
- Add Notifications to PostEm when new feedback is availableSAK-50045Core Team
- Add Notifications for PollsSAK-50044Core Team
- Add Notifications for Podcasts toolSAK-50043Core Team
- Add Notifications for Messages activitySAK-50042
- Add Notifications for Lessons when new content is availableSAK-50041Core Team
- Add Notifications for Gradebook Items when gradedSAK-50040
- Add Notifications for Email ArchiveSAK-50039
- Add Notifications for Drop Box activitySAK-50038
- Add Notifications for Dashboard Tasks WidgetSAK-50037Adrian Fish
- Add Notifications for Conversations ActivitySAK-50036Adrian Fish
- Add Notifications for Calendar eventsSAK-50035
- Add other Sakai tools to Notifications Service so that the notification behavior is consistent across the systemSAK-50034
- I can't figure out how to add the site preview image to the pinned site. I did it in try sakai, but I can't find the instructionsSAK-50031Resolved issue: SAK-50031
- Inserting paragraph break into Assignment Instructions breaks the LTI tool connection for External Tool AssignmentsSAK-49988Resolved issue: SAK-49988Charles R Severance
- Umbrella Sakai Mobile View is too wide or not responsiveSAK-49969Adrian Fish
- Assignments: Status column empty in student's Assignment list for newly created assignmentSAK-49968Resolved issue: SAK-49968
- Dashboard Tool Not ResponsiveSAK-49917Resolved issue: SAK-49917Adrian Fish
- Lessons fails to embed URLs when attempting to link to web page or Google docSAK-49916Resolved issue: SAK-49916Sam Ottenhoff
- Portal Add Border to the timeout alert dialogSAK-49885Resolved issue: SAK-49885kunaljaykam
- Severe critical error during deployment with Tomcat 9.0.87SAK-49865Resolved issue: SAK-49865Matthew Jones
- LTI13 should provide more SCOPEs in JWTSAK-49855Resolved issue: SAK-49855Charles R Severance
- "Cancel" button when creating an Event in the Calendar tool navigates to the "List of Events" page instead of the "Calendar" pageSAK-49847
- Overlapping of "Insert a link" and "Insert an image" overlaysSAK-49846
- Unable to remove Image from profile using keyboard testingSAK-49835
- Announcements: While Keyboard testing, when tried to copy the RSS URL within the tool, unable to copy and paste in a new browser using keyboard.SAK-49832Core Team
- Discussion- While keyboard testing, when tried to access the grade section within the tool, unable to grade.SAK-49831
- Gradebook misalignment with very long category nameSAK-49828Resolved issue: SAK-49828Sam Ottenhoff
- Allow instructor to specify if attached file should open within the content frameSAK-49799Core Team
- Add a "Last Modified By" field to the Rubric information in Manage RubricsSAK-49798
- Mailsender: pressing Return when focus is in Subject Textbox adds "Other Recipients" textbox to the pageSAK-49790Resolved issue: SAK-49790
- Calendar: Add Bulk Edit/Delete optionSAK-49782
- Release Grades does not work consistently across old grader, new grader, upload allSAK-49766Resolved issue: SAK-49766Earle Nietzel
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