- Various Oracle conversion script fixesSAK-46848Resolved issue: SAK-46848Brian Baillargeon
- T&Q: Unable to export the scores of an online exam with the answer point value as zero.SAK-46735Core Team
- Instructor cannot view a submission that was automatically submitted for a timed assessmentSAK-46369Core Team
- Colour-coding of Course Calendar eventsSAK-46013Resolved issue: SAK-46013
- When we try to post an Assignment, its throwing null pointer exception.SAK-45966Resolved issue: SAK-45966Earle Nietzel
- Portal > Print > Print-out shows "Publish Now" and "Cancel" button for unpublished siteSAK-45860Resolved issue: SAK-45860Matthew Jones
- Roster > Print > Print-out shows "Publish Now" button for unpublished siteSAK-45859Resolved issue: SAK-45859Matthew Jones
- samigo: Revert SAK-37153 code that removed the Feedback link when previewing an assessment with Immediate Feedback enabledSAK-45850Core Team
- samigo: All images and files embedded/attached within an assessment should be stored within the assessment and ONLY within the assessment, and should function INDEPENDENTLY of ResourcesSAK-45846Core Team
- SAMIGO: Error while trying to duplicate Rubrics: 401SAK-45833Resolved issue: SAK-45833Core Team
- samigo: Add info blurb on Submission Status screen to explain when Retake links appear vs. notSAK-45761Core Team
- Samigo: Allow Retake link should never display for instructor if student has submissions remaining on base assessment submission counter.SAK-45754David Hutchins
- sitemembers: Update Apache Wicket 8.8.0SAK-45749Resolved issue: SAK-45749David Horwitz
- PA System: Timezone warning suppressed before user sign inSAK-45741Resolved issue: SAK-45741Myles Carey
- Samigo: Export to Markup Text warning has issuesSAK-45718Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Feedback auto-fill is not available on Questions grading screens.SAK-45702Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: View All drop-down should always be available in Scores > Questions grading screens (even when 1 submission only)SAK-45699David Hutchins
- Library documentation update for 20xSAK-45682Resolved issue: SAK-45682Michael Greene
- Samigo: Screen reader accessibility issues for instructor authoring quiz questionsSAK-45677Core Team
- Samigo: Cannot edit Matching question with None of the Above or Existing Match answer in Published Copies, or it breaksSAK-45676Core Team
- Wiki - Group supportSAK-45659
- Email Archive, Announcements: Attachments are not properly removed when an email or announcement is deleted.SAK-45603
- SAMIGO - Error 500 when autosavingSAK-45568
- Assignments: Make add/edit assignment page have more intuitive organizationSAK-45526Earle Nietzel
- samigo: The randomized answers in a multiple choice question with randomize enabled re-shuffle on EVERY CLICK of Continue Assessment or Feedback linkSAK-45488Resolved issue: SAK-45488Core Team
- samigo: Calculated questions are storing empty answers as if answered, causing problems for students taking tests with these questions and instructors grading themSAK-45487Core Team
- samigo: Remove "small" tags from h1s and h2s.SAK-45484
- Tests and Quizzes - Assessment List - Inprogress field is not updated without refresh or reloadSAK-45479Core Team
- samigo: Option to "undo" minimum point value in a short answer/essay question during automatic regrade/republishSAK-45473Core Team
- samigo: Email notification on publish includes same text to all students, including those with date/time exceptions - needs clarificationSAK-45471Mitchell Dunn
- When Rubrics tools is hidden students can't see instructor qualification using RubricsSAK-45428
- Dark Mode | PA-System bannersSAK-45402Resolved issue: SAK-45402Markus Stetschnig
- Ungraded/unscored rubric assignmentSAK-45400
- samigo, accessibility: Fix usability/accessibility issues with the "Helper text" on numeric responseSAK-45386Mitchell Dunn
- T&Q: Do not allow changing a question type after quiz has been published and has submissionsSAK-45373Resolved issue: SAK-45373Miguel Pellicer
- Assignments, Samigo: Feature Request: Parent Jira for improved notification options on publishing/posting assignment/assessment.SAK-45340
- Assignments: Feature request for improved notification options on posting assignment.SAK-45339
- Overview, Site Info: Incorrect instructions on the Manage Overview page.SAK-45337Resolved issue: SAK-45337Victor Fernández
- Gradebook: Grade statistics graphs show fractional students.SAK-45314Resolved issue: SAK-45314Sean Horner
- samigo: Inappropriately placed LaTeX markup warning on fill in the blank, numeric response, and calculated question authoring pages needs to be fixed or removedSAK-45259Mitchell Dunn
- Ranks created in Discussion tool can't be removedSAK-45208Resolved issue: SAK-45208Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Samigo Tests & Quizzes: Feature request for improved notification options on publishing assessment.SAK-45202
- Dropbox tool: empty folders are removed, they are not sent to TrashSAK-45198
- Samigo: Usability: Pagination navigation is not very usable/accessible and inconsistent with other toolsSAK-45117Core Team
- Assignments: Add option to create folders or some sort of organizationSAK-45090
- gradebook, feature request: Ignore dropped/excused grade indicators on importSAK-45084
- samigo: Add Assessments page is inconsistent with similar Sakai pagesSAK-45082Mitchell Dunn
- Data Discrepancy Error"during online examSAK-45048Core Team
- Send a reminder email when an assignment is availableSAK-45031Earle Nietzel
- CLONE - Error when try adding a student on a blocked section/groupSAK-45014
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