- Course Grade is not updated automatically in Student Summary PanelGRBK-1142
- Drag'n'Drop does not put items where they suppose to be putGRBK-1022
- Drag'n'Drop cannot move more than 1 item from one category to anotherGRBK-1021
- Calculation issue when having 4 grade items in a category but only 3 of them are gradedGRBK-875Resolved issue: GRBK-875
- Disabling "Weight items equally" leaves excessive precision and doesn't add up to 100%GRBK-862Resolved issue: GRBK-862
- Grade calculation issue when using multiple weighted categoriesGRBK-861Resolved issue: GRBK-861
- Adding a grade override doesn't properly update/refresh the grid cellGRBK-855
- Changing the grade scale "format" when grade overrides are present needs to show proper error messageGRBK-854Resolved issue: GRBK-854
- When exporting in XLS, we need to format the fields according to their types: number, string, etc.GRBK-840Resolved issue: GRBK-840
- During the export, give the user an option to not export commentsGRBK-839Resolved issue: GRBK-839Jon Gorrono
- Final gade submission confirmation dialog text has a missing space between two sentencesGRBK-835Resolved issue: GRBK-835
- CCFIT: When adding a grade item to an extra credit category, the grade item's extraCredit boolean flag is not set.GRBK-833Resolved issue: GRBK-833
- Notify the user when making grade changes after the final grades have been submittedGRBK-824Resolved issue: GRBK-824Thomas Amsler
- Improve error notification in cases where the user tries to do something he/she is not allowed toGRBK-822
- Remove dead code for v1.5.0GRBK-821Resolved issue: GRBK-821
- Review Interfaces and remove unnecessary Spring IoC setters if appropriate.GRBK-820
- Review the right click context menu functionality: for add/edit comments functionsGRBK-817Resolved issue: GRBK-817
- Evaluate the implementation of GradeCalculations.isValidLetterGrade(String letterGrade)GRBK-816
- The NumericUtils class functionality needs to be part of the BigDecimalCalculationsWrapper classGRBK-815Resolved issue: GRBK-815
- When switching GB modes, weigh equally option is not cleared from existing categoriesGRBK-814
- CCFIT: Drop lowest problem in non equally weighted categories modeGRBK-813Resolved issue: GRBK-813
- Printing the GradebookGRBK-810
- external tools (samigo/assignment) reported scores handlingGRBK-809Resolved issue: GRBK-809
- properties of Unassigned category seem to be editable but just produce errorsGRBK-808
- Cannot export gradebook that contains structure but no gradesGRBK-807Resolved issue: GRBK-807
- Post an event in Sakai_Events to log the grade submission eventGRBK-806Resolved issue: GRBK-806
- Document gradebook2 APIsGRBK-805Resolved issue: GRBK-805
- Enable Import for Percentage/Letter Grade GradebooksGRBK-804Resolved issue: GRBK-804
- For letter grade gradebooks, don't show the grade scale because numeric values are meaningless in a letter grade grading setupGRBK-803Resolved issue: GRBK-803
- Export of gradebook fails silently when there is no structureGRBK-802Resolved issue: GRBK-802
- Warn user that exported percentage gradebooks cannot be importedGRBK-801Resolved issue: GRBK-801
- When a student is not in a section or group there will be a Request Failed error when entering grades for that studentGRBK-799
- Drop lowest displays incorrect points when you drop more points than you haveGRBK-797Resolved issue: GRBK-797
- Calculations InvestigationGRBK-795
- Export of Grade & Structure in IE7 only tries to save the file as HTMLGRBK-793Resolved issue: GRBK-793
- In IE7 Tools->Import generates an errorGRBK-792Resolved issue: GRBK-792
- Length is not checked for Gradebook, Category, and Item namesGRBK-791
- Drop Lowest field accepts negative numbersGRBK-790Resolved issue: GRBK-790
- Adding in ItemFormPanel does not behave consistently to saving after Edit in ItemFormPanelGRBK-789
- Assigment connector for letter grade gradebook allows arbitrary percentage valuesGRBK-788
- Sorting the Gradebook causes final grade display to become modified.GRBK-787Resolved issue: GRBK-787
- Category and Item weightings accept negative values for extra credit items.GRBK-786Resolved issue: GRBK-786
- The ungraded gradebook item is not shown in student viewGRBK-783
- export the extra column for the letter grade only, not the combination of letter and percentageGRBK-782Resolved issue: GRBK-782
- Calculated Grade column in Letter Grade mode has full precision numberGRBK-781
- Investigate remaining HALF_EVEN rounding in all code base besides wrapperGRBK-780Resolved issue: GRBK-780
- Faculty perspective and usability on Gradebook2 interface/viewGRBK-778
- When an user scrolls upon entering a grade, the grade vanishes and is not recordedGRBK-775Resolved issue: GRBK-775
- Calculation issues with equally weighted points based gradebooksGRBK-774Resolved issue: GRBK-774
- Add logging for calculated gradesGRBK-768Resolved issue: GRBK-768
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