Enable Import for Percentage/Letter Grade Gradebooks
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David Woods June 29, 2011 at 3:44 PM
looks like everything was handled as expected.

David Woods June 29, 2011 at 3:43 PM
I can't think of anything else I would try – so QA Pass

Nancy Wilkison June 22, 2011 at 3:25 PMEdited
SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2-rc1 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucddev1"
Gradebook2 v1.6.0-a2
I'm assuming import for letter grade sites works, as I could export and import on letter grade sites in regression testing.
working in firefox, ie8 for comparison
--------------------import % structure to new site - pass
no categories site
1 - removed all data from CHE 118B B10-B11 q11
2 – attempted import of % no cats template AAA 222 222
3 – imported ok, gb structure correct
categories site
1 - removed all data from CHE 118B B06-B07 q11
2 – attempted import of % no cats template BBB 222 222
3 – imported ok, gb structure correct
weighted categories site
1 - removed all data from CHE 118B B04-B05 q11
2 – attempted import of % no cats template BBB 333 333
3 – imported ok, gb structure correct
--------------------import % grades to % site, check w/% over 100 - pass
no categories site
1 – graded students for 2 exam items, exported grades only
2 – added and changed grades, added new item w/%grades
3 – imported back – ok
1 – essentially repeat above – ok
categories site
1 – graded students for 2 exam items, exported grades only
2 – added and changed grades, added new item w/%grades with scores >100 for error checking
3 – imported back, it caught the overage scores, I left it Unassigned
– ok
4 – moved new item to not inc cat
1 – essentially repeat above with 2 negative scores, new item
2 – assigned new item a category in preview (not inc)
3 – it caught the negative scores, new item in correct category – ok
weighted categories site
1 – as above
2 – altered grades added new, with scores >100, new item
3 – imported back, assigned new item to ec cat @ import
4 – it caught the overage, grades imported ok, new item in ec cat – ok
1 – as above
2 – as above
3 – imported back, but left new item Unassigned – all ok
--------------------import to % site @ default 100 points and other point values
did that in checking above – all ok.
--------------------check scantron import – currently can’t do it
no categories site
1 – copied some IDs to scantron template as no_cats_scantron.xls
2 – added scores 80-120
3 - @ import – message re: can’t import scantron to % gradebook
--------------------can clicker be imported at all? looks like this is a pass
no categories site
1 – added named to clicker template as no_cats_clickers.csv
2 – I think it’s 2 points but added 120-80 anyway
3 – @ import it caught the >100, did not change default 100 points , <100 scores came in – ok
4 – re-scored clicker (new and made >100 100) and imported again. scores changed and new came in - ok
5 – tried altering points @ import w/new item name, % type scores.
6 – item came in BUT overwrote original, new points and scores correct – ok as I thing it’s supposed to overwrite the original?
6 – imported clicker again after re-naming item that’s IN gb AND changing column header to new name, new scores but no points assigned in []s, since there were none in the original clicker file. assigned 10 points @ import. came in as new item, correct points and scores – ok
things look good. did I do enough or is there something I missed?
Michael Wenk June 15, 2011 at 12:20 PM
Michael Wenk June 15, 2011 at 12:19 PM
So turned out, couldn't remove the GB because the categories were still here, tried to delete those and was unable to. What I wouldn't give to just say deleteCascade... Oh well, I used the same trick I used on the grading scale, and just attached the cats to a different GB.
So I have unit tests around:
No cats
Simple cats
Weighted Cats
Scantron normal
Scantron rescore
Currently, Percentage/Letter Grade grade books are prohibited from importing. This prohibition was done to protect the users as percentage/letter grade grade books only worked when the points for all items were 100, otherwise the behavior was incorrect, and required manual intervention.
There are of course many ways to do this. Two I can think of:
1) There is a JIRA GRBK-752 which delineates a redesign of import. One intent of this redesign was to accommodate different units being imported into arbitrary grade book types which would fix this issue.
2) Rather than the above, make assumptions. Assume that if there are no grades in the current grade book, the unit of the import file is the unit of the grade book. Of course for percentage/letter grade grade books, this would in effect not allow scantron or clicker files to be imported. Note: If there are grades in the grade book, and the import file is a different type, there already exists logic to prevent import from happening as we have an overiding business rule that you cannot switch types of the grade book once the first grade is entered.