samigo: accessibility: Display (and read, for screen reader users) question type at top of screen during take


When students are taking a test, there is no indication to them of what type of question they will be answering at the top of the screen.  This can be a problem especially for screen reader users because if the instructor does not make it clear in the question text what type of question it is, it can be confusing for the user to figure out how to answer the question.

Samigo should state after the question number what type of question the student will encounter there, e.g. Question 1: Multiple Choice, Question 2: Short Answer/Essay.



Chris Knapp August 22, 2024 at 7:40 PM

Per Mark Golbeck’s question RE: SAK-34733, was able to test this issue on Sakai 23 using JAWS+Chrome and can confirm that Assessments do not currently include the “question type” along with the other information like what number question it is, and how many points the question is worth.


As for whether this is information users need to be able to complete their Assessment--I guess it never hurts to include more information, but users should be able to make inferences about the question type based on how the question is being asked and the options for submitting their answer, so I don’t know how critical this is?? Maybe kick it to T&L and let them weigh in??

Mark Golbeck August 22, 2024 at 6:12 PM

, does this affect current versions of Sakai and should we bring it up at the core call or accessibility call?






Created November 29, 2017 at 5:51 PM
Updated August 23, 2024 at 3:20 PM