Survey Matrix Question: Needs proper structure for accessibility
Test Plan
As instructor, in a site with at least one student, import
Check the *Settings* to confirm dates will not prevent taking the quiz, then *Publish* the quiz.
Using a screen reader and keyboard navigation, log in as a student and take the quiz.
Confirm you can successfully:
Comprehend each question (there are 3) and the answer options in the table.
For Question 1, follow the instructions in the question text, and confirm the appropriate error message appears and takes focus.
For Question 1, confirm you can close the error message and follow its instructions to select only one column for each row.
Respond to each of the other questions.
Submit the quiz.
Mark Golbeck August 22, 2024 at 6:19 PM
@Chris Knapp . does this affect the current version and do we need to bring it up at the core call?
Marissa Thompson December 18, 2017 at 10:21 AM
When we tested this the first question worked correctly. We were able to read the error message, and close it afterwards. In the second and third questions we were able to make selections, however all of the selections were read as "radio button" instead of what the user was selecting. The radio buttons were not labeled.
Marissa and Morgan
rmmcget November 21, 2017 at 10:37 AM
Hi Tiffany,
Yes our test team can validate this, unfortunately due Illinois State University Thanksgiving break they will not be able to get to this till November 30th, hopefully this timeline is acceptable. I will add this to their task list and once validated we will let you know.
Tiffany Stull November 17, 2017 at 8:22 AM
This is one of a number of screen reader issues for questions. could your testers please examine this to verify the priority of the issue for fixing?
I will add more testing steps and a quiz with an appropriate question for testing as a zip file.
When a student attempts to respond to a Survey Matrix question, the options are all read by a screen reader as "radio button".
Rows and columns need proper headers to identify the options to select, e.g.