Add hidden text meaning for Calculated Questions


fixed screen reader issues with Fill in the Blank questions.  Calculated questions, although with variables (and therefore different from FITB or Numeric Response) are also fill in the blank style questions, just with numeric entry in the blanks.

Similar fix to should be adopted for Calculated Question type.



Test Plan

  1. As instructor, in a site with at least one student, import 

  1. .

  2. Check the Settings to confirm dates will not prevent taking the quiz, then *Publish* the quiz.

  3. Using a screen reader and keyboard navigation, log in as a student and take the quiz.

  4. Confirm you can successfully:

    • Comprehend each question (there are 3 - one authored with two blanks and no additional instructions from the instructor).

    • Respond to each question by filling in the blank(s).

    • Submit the quiz.





Tiffany Stull November 29, 2017 at 5:43 PM

I think the way the screen reader reads the questions (through vs. minus) is not an issue we can address.  As a note, I also was trying to develop the questions with poor accessibility in mind, so we can try to make the labels on the blanks as appropriate as possible for users.

That said, I should have made the questions more like what you would expect to see in this type of question, where the entire context needs to be read before the blanks can be answered (similar to a multiple blanks fill-in-the-blank).  When I get a chance, I'll edit the quiz to include such a question.

I think the behavior for calculated question should mirror that in FITB and numeric response, allowing the user to hear the entire context around the blanks with "blank 1, blank 2, etc." and then choose each blank in turn to fill in.

I'll create a new JIRA regarding telling users which question type they are viewing at the top of the screen - I think this would be helpful for all students.


Neal Caidin November 21, 2017 at 7:12 AM

Yes, I noticed about the focus too, but kept wondering "is it something I'm doing"? That's why I tried and speak out loud what keys I was pressing. 

It also, when introducing the test to the student, does read aloud part of the settings, but skips some, which is just weird. 

I'm curious which of the issues relate to this specific JIRA though? Just what I reported for Questions 2 and 3, since question 1 seemed to work? Begs the question of whether the ChromeVox reader just doesn't know how to recognize math equations and maybe a reader like JAWS does? Or maybe there is an html hint that is needed to identify as an equation?


Tiffany Stull November 20, 2017 at 4:15 PM

Hi , thanks so much for testing!  I really think we need to make it say the question type at the top of the page for each question (e.g. Question 1 of 3, Calculated Question).  If a JIRA for this doesn't exist yet, I will create one soon.

There are some other issues I notice in your recording:

  • That focus doesn't stay in the main page content is really awful, especially if it's a timed test (for anyone using a keyboard to navigate).  If possible, it should stay in the content after the Begin or *Continue* screen and until you submit or otherwise exit the quiz.

  • Continue Assessment screen is not showing the due date.

  • That it skips the part number is disconcerting - instructors often use part information to include a scenario that applies to the questions students will answer after that scenario.  We'll need to test whether part information is read if it exists.  I know that a part named Default is supposed to not identify itself as a part - maybe this is why it skipped that number?  But if it skips part info on a default part too, that could be really bad.

Neal Caidin November 20, 2017 at 3:43 PM

I'm not sure what the expected behavior is for this question type but I recorded my testing, using ChromeVox on Windows 10.

Of the three questions on the multiple choice, just comparing questions, the worst performing, imo, was the 3rd. It had two equations in one question but read them off as one question. It also interpreted the minus sign as a "through" sign, as in 8 through 13 , 8 - 13 (as an example). The second worst was the 2nd question which for a number squared it just said the number and the word 2. For example 5 squared it said "five two".  It got the addition right on the first question. 

Probably not related to the question type, but the navigation of parts and which question one was on was different or the questions. On the final question it said it was question 3 of 3, but it did not say which question the test taker was on for the other two questions and never mentioned which part of the exam the test taker was on (only one part on this exam). 

I had other navigation challenges but those are some of the specific issues with the question type (plus a little more).

Sakai - 09889272 - Sakai 12-SNAPSHOT - Server ip-172-31-6-159

Tested on nightly 12.x on mysql


Tiffany Stull November 17, 2017 at 10:36 AM

Needs to be verified if still a problem in 12.





Created November 17, 2017 at 10:35 AM
Updated May 21, 2018 at 4:42 PM