SAKAI 3 i18n AND l10n NEEDS
SAKAI 3 i18n AND l10n NEEDS
In this document we will try to create a list of thing to think about i18n and l10n.
There are a lot of JIRA issues opened that I attach at the end of this page, but we are going to create first a list with most important things to have in mind when thinking Sakai 3 architecture.
- Obviously the six i18n basic requeriments must be implemented with special interest in 1,2 and 4
1) Ability to type international (unicode) characters into any Sakai tool
2) Ability for any tool interface to dynamically reflect a user's preferred international locale --> 100% of strings, buttons, etc.
3) Ability to create worksites whose page titles will statically reflect to a defined international locale(If 4 is implementes, 3 seems not to be very important)
4) Ability to create worksites whose page titles will dynamically reflect a user's preferred international locale (VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT)
Let the tools change name when change language preference. It's not very dificult with default names but it must store each personalized name in each language too.
5) Ability to create worksites whose page titles and tool interface will statically reflect a site's preferred international locale (Very useful for language courses)
6) Ability to support right-to-left languages
- Ability to have more than one version of the same content. Each content web page, file, assignement, assessment, etc, etc. should have a default version and the ability of traslated versions (and a way of mantain all of then easily, of course)
- Use the same (and localized) way to display dates and numbers in Sakai.
SAK-8599 |
jobscheduler internationalization |
SAK-14453 |
Schedule import internationalization |
SAK-8569 |
Messages/Forums internationalization review |
TIME-61 |
Internationalization cleanup on search feature |
SAK-12731 |
SAK-12636 |
SAK-11966 |
SAK-11358 |
SAK-11605 |
Numeric Fields Should be Internationalized (i.e., period/comma support based on locale) |
SAK-9063 |
Add "Table of Contents" and "List of Links" titles (non-internationalized). |
SAK-15037 |
Create internationalization mechanism to avoid duplication and de-synchronization of text shared across tools |
SAK-9787 |
Should numeric values in authoring support commas instead points as separator of decimal part? |
SAK-14647 |
Split i18n sentence breaking L10n in Podcasts (French Canadian example) |
SAK-12772 |
Add translation capabilities to tools |
SAK-15872 |
Gradebook mixes configuration and localization in properties files |
SAK-7857 |
Allow users to specify their default WYSIWYG editor preference |
SAK-12636 |
All Sakai code should reference ResourceLoader _not_ ResourceBundle |
SAK-15996 |
Use Structured message formats in Samigo |
SAK-15071 |
My Workspace help title and alt uses a split i18n message |
SAK-14137 |
Update & Centralize Tool Descriptions for Worksite Setup & Site Info |
SAK-8007 |
More flexible person names must be supported by Sakai |
SAK-11608 |
How to handle decimal marker (point and comma) correctly for Numeric Response questions |
SAK-10314 |
Remove files from classpath |
SAK-8908 |
Tool titles and Page titles should be displayed in user's prefered language/locale |
SAK-3764 | file contains language dependent strings that should be moved into individual tools' resource bundles (I18N) |
SAK-14433 |
Web Links (URL) resources forcing to HTTPS on external link |
SAK-14452 |
Searching users with accent insensitive |
SAK-14744 |
Roster Groups / Include view of participant's group membership in roster |
SAK-13631 |
Blog title doesn't show properly accents |
SAK-7802 |
Add Clock to Interface |
SAK-14661 |
Same string for two different i18n keys |