Export Quizzes and Questions


Quizzes are tests for which grades are assigned. Grades and statistics can be released to both you and to students. Depending upon the type of questions in a quiz, quizzes can be completely or partially graded by WebCT, marked by an assigned teaching assistant, or by yourself.

Surveys are anonymous tests for which no grades are assigned, but which provide you with statistics. Survey responses are automatically tabulated, and the results are summarized. Tip: Because the results are anonymous, surveys are ideal for course evaluations or for canvassing opinions on an issue discussed in the course.

The Question Database contains all of the questions that are used in your course's quizzes and surveys. When you create a question, it is saved in the Question Database. You select questions from the Question Database to add to your quiz or survey. You can organize your questions within categories.

WebCT CE supports the following types of questions:

  • Multiple Choice (MC)
  • Matching (M)
  • Short Answer (S)
  • Paragraph (P)
  • Calculated (C)

Export Steps

There are three main ways to get quizzes and questions out of WebCT CE 4.

  • Export All Quizzes – exports in an XML format (IMS QTI v)
  • Download Questions – exports in WebCT's text format
  • Respondus – a commercial Windows application that can import and export to several LMS systems (Bb, WebCT, Angel, IMS QTI)

Export All Quizzes

The 'Export Content' method exports 'all quizzes and surveys in the course and all questions in the Question Database.'

Who: Course Designers/Instructors can export Quizzes.


  1. Control Panel
  2. Manage Course
  3. Export Content
  4. Select ( x ) Quizzes, Surveys and Question Database
  5. Select the Content Module (e.g., Samples) you want to export from the pull down list
  6. Select the Destination folder (e.g., My-Files) from the pull down list
  7. Continue

You should see:

Export Confirmed

Quizzes, Surveys and Question Database has been successfully exported to the folder My-Files in Manage Files. The package filename is cgoh1c_QIZ_20070705082903.zip.

To download the exported quiz file:

  1. Manage Files
  2. select the package filename.zip and Download (Actions)

Download Questions

The WebCT text format used for questions can be found in internal help on your WebCT server:


You can download questions from any category in the Question Database to your computer.

  1. From the Course Menu, click Quiz. The Quizzes/Surveys screen appears.
  2. Click Question Database. The Question Database screen appears.
  3. Under Options: Category, from the View drop-down list, select the category that contains the questions you want to download, and click Go. The table of questions appears. Note: If you are unsure of the category, select All categories.
  4. In the table of questions, next to each question you want to download, select the check box.
  5. Under Options: Question, click Download questions. A browser prompt appears. Follow the instructions to save the questions on your computer.

Note: The questions are saved as a .txt file.



Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard, WebCT, eCollege, ANGEL and other eLearning systems. Exams can be created offline using a familiar Windows environment, or moved from one eLearning system to another.

Who: Instructors

How: Roughly...

  1. Download quiz and questions from WebCT using Respondus
  2. Change 'CMS Personality' from WEBCT to 'IMS QTI'
  3. Save the result as


Respondus: See Respondus Migration


These samples use the MIG:Default Quiz example.

Sample Files



Default Quiz exported via Content Export


Default Quiz questions download