Claremont McKenna College Quiz converter

Claremont McKenna College Quiz converter

This converter has been deprecated because it is now part of Tests and Quizzes (Sakai 2.4)'s Quick Create feature.


Claremont McKenna College has developed a quiz converter since migrating quizzes from WebCT to Sakai is one of the biggest issues here.

This tool creates a QTI XML file for each single-section WebCT quiz. It also converts the quizzes from Word Doc(as long as the questions are formatted in the required way).

Right now, it's been tested to work with multiple choice, true and false, and fill in blank questions in English and Spanish. It works in Firefox, IE, and Safari.


  • Melissa Zhuo (Melissa.Zhuo at cmc.edu)
    Instructional Technologist
  • Shawn Than (Shawn.Than at ClaremontMcKenna.edu)

Current State and Status

This converter has been deprecated because it is now part of Tests and Quizzes (Sakai 2.4)'s Quick Create feature.

Documentation and Source Code




  • XML file (quiz.xml)



  • None


Installation Instructions


Execution Instructions

1. Either download or create quiz questions in the provided text format (see examples on http://webapps.cmc.edu/sakai_quiz_tool)

2. Go to http://webapps.cmc.edu/sakai_quiz_tool

3. Supply a quiz name, e.g., Sample Quiz.

4. Cut-and-paste the quiz questions into the Quiz Question area.

5. Click on the Submit button.

6. Download the resulting xml file, e.g., Sample_Quiz.xml.

7. Import into Sakai 'Test and Quizzes'.


Input: CMC_Sample_Quiz.txt

Output: Sample_Quiz.xml

Tests and Quizzes Screenshot

Troubleshooting Tips

  • 'Save answer' has to be exact case, e.g, 'Save Answer' is ignored as end of question.

Open Issues and Enhancement Requests

  • If there are images, you will have to upload those images later in the Sakai quizzes one by one.