Export Entire Course
WebCT's course backup format (zip) is a proprietary format used in versions of WebCT up till CE 4.1. It is a zip of several course-related directories, however, zip has been modified so it does not expand as a normal zip file would. It is a snapshot in time of all the files, structure, and student data in a course, so it is currently the only way to fully archive a WebCT site.
These backup files can be generated by the instructor/course designer (Manage Course > Course Backups) or by the WebCT Admin (batch.pl).
However, at the moment, it is not possible to directly use the zipfile in importing to other systems.
There is another way to do a course backup in an XML format, but it lacks student data. So while it could be used to set up a new site, it is not an archival format.
Note: you can generate a tar file of the course-related directories by using this script.
Export Steps
CE Migration Pack (CEMP)
The CE Migration Pack (CEMP) tool was meant to assist institutions to move from CE 4.1.5 to CE 6/Vista 4. CE 6/Vista 4 did not import the course backup zip format that CE4 (and earlier) used.
The CEMP tool allows an admin or instructor to export an entire course into an XML-based course package (presume similar to that done by the command line cp_api.pl).
Who: WebCT Admin or Instructor
To access:
- Log into WebCT course as Designer
- Control Panel
- Manage Course
- Export Content
- Choose 'Export Course' and Select a Destination (with option to 'Download the content package to my computer after export')
- Continue
You'll (hopefully) get something like:
Export Confirmed
Entire course has been successfully exported to the folder My-Files in Manage Files. The package filename is COURSEID_COURSE_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.zip.
Without CE Migration Pack (CEMP):
Who: WebCT Admin
The instructions from the Technical Reference guide are:
- cd webct_install_dir/webct/webct/generic/ims
- cp_api.pl -action=export -course=courseid
The exported package will be in webct_install_dir/webct/webct/generic/ims/exported_packages
It's in a folder called courseid_COURSE_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (Year Month Day Hour Min Sec)
The structure is something like
Note: WebCT randomly generates the IDs for the top-level manifest and course manifest.
If you do
cp_api.pl -action=export -course=courseid -compress=yes
you will get a compressed zip.
The XML method of export was meant to migrate a CE4 to a CE6/Vista4 site, not an archive. This does not export Discussion postings or other student work (e.g., submissions).
Sample Files |
Description |