Export Files and Folders


WebCT separates content from presentation. All files to be displayed in WebCT have to be uploaded to the My-Files area (similar to Sakai : Resources).

Export Steps

Make a zip file of your ENTIRE My-Files folder

Who: Instructor


  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Select Manage Files

    You should see the 'Folders and Files' screen

  3. Check the box to the left of the My-Files folder name
  4. Click on Zip (under Options : Folders Actions)

    You should see the 'Zip Files in Folder' screen

  5. Give a zip file name (e.g., course-files.zip)
  6. Choose My-Files (for location)
  7. Click on Zip button

    You should be back in 'Folders and Files' and see the zip file name (e.g., course-files.zip).

  8. Select the box to the left of the zip file name
  9. Click on the Download button (under Options: Files Actions)

    The zip file should now be on your computer.




Sample Files

