Sakai Deployment Data Project
The Production Work Group collects general information relative to individual Sakai installation such as Sakai version, local name, users supported and production release date as well as more detailed information relative to each deployment's technology stack and integration requirements. By surfacing such information we hope to provide potential Sakai adopters with a base dataset with which to plan or evolve their deployments. The data collected also provides useful information for the Sakai community as whole as individual organizations share details on their respective software, hardware and configuration decisions.
We utilize JIRA, Sakai's issue management system, to store and display the deployment data we collect. The project can be accessed at
The Dataset
Each deployment entry presents users with a tab-based view and includes the following tabs:
Sakai Tools
Map mashup (lat./long. coordinates)
For an example entry see Whitman College. Note that other entries may display fewer tabs/fields as JIRA hides tabs/fields with no entries. The project can be accessed from the JIRA dashboard (key: PROD) and is viewable by all. We have also created custom filters that provides snapshots of the available data.
The links below take you to selected views of the deployment data; note the "issues" count below refers to the number of deployment systems meeting those criteria. You can also explore the data yourself using Jira's searching, filtering, and sorting capabilities.
Contributing to the Data Collection Effort
We encourage members of the Sakai community who are overseeing production, pilot or demo instances of Sakai to contribute data to this project. If you would like to participate please email Pieter Hartsook and he will set up an entry for your installation and provide you with the requisite permissions to edit the entry.
Your assistance in helping provide a more complete picture of Sakai deployments is appreciated. Getting involved in the production/pilot data project is entirely voluntary. There is no requirement that you must share implementation details with other members of the community or the wider-world should you choose to adopt Sakai.
A note on individual entries
Each entry focuses on a physical deployment and thus a raw count of entries under counts the total number of organizations who have adopted Sakai. Many institutions utilize Sakai in a shared environment such as that provided by the Etudes Consortium or the Appalachian College Association. You will not find the names of these institutions in the data set although the total number of organizations served by a particular installation is recorded.