WebCT Migration

WebCTT Product Line

As of February 28 2006, Blackboard has merged with WebCT, Inc. Currently, there are two major releases of WebCT:

  • Campus Edition (CE) 4
  • Vista 3/4 and Campus Edition (CE) 6 – now called 'Blackboard Learning System - Vista Enterprise License' or 'Blackboard Learning System - CE Enterprise License'

At this point, we only have information pertaining to the CE4 version.


Gap Analysis

Exporting from WebCT CE 4.x

What is exportable, how to export, caveats (e.g., what isn't exported), sample files?

Importing into Sakai 2.x

What to import to, how to import, where to import to, how good?

My Files -> Resources

Quizzes -> Tests and Quizzes

Content Modules -> Modules (aka Melete)