Export Content Module


WebCT course content consists of a series of pages of content such as lecture notes, multimedia presentations, assignments, and quizzes. You create a Content Module by organizing the content pages into a Table of Contents. This provides students with a guide to the sequence of study for the course content. The hierarchical structure also makes it easier for students to find specific course content.

You create the Table of Contents by adding headings and subheadings. You can then add content within this hierarchy by adding files of content. These files appear as links in the Table of Contents, which provides students with easy access. When a student clicks a link, WebCT displays the content pages that you have created.

Your course files can be in any file format including: .txt, .doc, .htm, .html, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, .jpg. and .gif.

Export Steps

Who: Course Designers/Instructors can export Content Modules.


  1. Control Panel
  2. Manage Course
  3. Export Content
  4. Select ( x ) Content Module
  5. Select the Content Module (e.g., Samples) you want to export from the pull down list
  6. Select the Destination folder (e.g., My-Files) from the pull down list
  7. Continue

Export Content screen

You should get

Export Confirmed

Samples has been successfully exported to the folder My-Files in Manage Files. The package filename is cgoh1_CMD_Samples_20070704084955.zip.

To download the exported content module:

  1. Manage Files
  2. select the package filename.zip and Download (Actions)


  • what happens to linked material (e.g., if the linked pages are NOT in the Table of Contents)?
  • what happens to in-line quizzes?
  • what happens to "extras" (e.g., audio/visual, glossary, self-test, etc)?


Sample Files

