Sakai 22 Technical Release Notes

Release Dates

Sakai 22 release dates:

Support Status : Not yet released. 

Sakai 22.0 - release date 4/13/2022

Sakai 22 - Issue Status, Issue Release Notes

Sakai 22.0 - Issue Status


Sakai 22.0

Technology Choices

When choosing which technology to run Sakai with it is recommended to choose what is best for your team, this will depend largely on your teams skill set which will give you best chance at having a reliable service for your users. Anyone who is unfamiliar with Sakai and it's technology stack is advised to choose the recommended choices as these choices will provide you with the greatest access to the community's knowledge. When there is more than one choice we will do our best to mark one as the recommended.

Community Support Statement

With the advent of the Sakai 22 series, official Community support for Sakai 20 ceases. Organizations running Sakai 20, 19 and earlier versions are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the Sakai 22 series in order to take advantage the most robust community support and most current security patches. Sakai 21 is still supported at this time.


The Sakai 22 series is licensed under the Educational Community License version 2.0.