Sakai 10.3 changes

Sakai 10.3 changes

Summary of Highlights

  • Sakai 10.3 includes about 200 fixes.
  • Oracle
  • Tomcat 7.0.56 compatibility and later versions of 7.
  • Assignments -New anonymous grading feature
  • Gradebook - Display of letter or points controlled by properties.
  • Lessons - New property in Lessons to allow Lessons material to be stored in a single folder.
  • Samigo Test and Quizzes
    • Add/Edit Parts interface has been improved.
    • Ability to transfer ownership of question pools
  • Security issues - eight security fixes

Known Issues

  • Lessons - Some sites might want to look at using 10.x for lessons rather than the 10.3 tag. the direct URL button doesn’t work. It didn’t work in 10.2 either, so this isn’t a regression exactly, but it fails more visibly.You can see what differs between the two by looking for the 10.4 tag for the Lessons project in Jira.Part of the problem was trying to support both the way the direct link worked in 2.9 and 10. It now works as in 10 even when running in 2.9.

New Properties

PropertyDefault valueDescriptionJira
syllabus.new.published.defaultfalseIf true then syllabus items are published by default. 
SAK-27817 - Getting issue details... STATUS
assignment.anon.grading.enabledfalseIf true then enable anonymous grading for assignments.
SAK-28076 - Getting issue details... STATUS







There are two checkboxes in the gradebook options (As of Sakai 11, 1 prior) for display course grade and display course points. We had a request to make it so that this was selected by default and that the course grade was always shown as the default option (rather than hidden). Existing settings on sites will not change (no conversion), it will just be a sakai property that can be changed, and will be the current default (false) by default so no change in behavior.
SAK-27973 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Sets the maximum number of days for reminders; overrides accountValidator.maxDays.

The accountValidator.maxDays sakai property is not granular enough for some instances. This patch adds accountValidator.maxPasswordResetMinutes=[Integer]. If this property is not set, there is no change. Otherwise when the user clicks on their validation link, we check if the time that their validation token was sent is within the specified threshold - if not we expire their validation token. The same check happens when the user submits the validation form.

SAK-24398 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sets the maximum TTL for reset password validation token in minutes.

SAK-24398 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 Make the Check Validations Job have configurable email from and name of sender. If not set, uses the value from mail.support (another Sakai property). The default for mail.support is null (empty).

SAK-24393 - Getting issue details... STATUS


SAK-24393 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Allow a BLTI tool to be configured in sakai.properties so that it appears in the list of item types in "Add Content" as if it were a native Sakai tool.

Here's a sample sakai.properties entry:

lessonbuilder.blti_tools.count = 1
lessonbuilder.blti_tools.1 = 14,"VoiceThread Assignment","Assignment using VoiceThread, a cloud-based application that allows students to comment on videos, using audio, video or text", "Add a new VoiceThread assignment","Use this link to add a new VoiceThread assignment to your site. The first time you click on it, it will let you go into VoiceThread's assignment builder to design the assignment"

(The list is parsed with Sakai's usual OpenCSV CSV parser.) Items in the list are

  • LTI tool ID. See below
  • Title - will appear in Add Content as the main title, and as the main header in the chooser dialog
  • Description - will appear in Add Content as the description, and the first thing in the chooser dialog
  • Link text - this will be the text of the link for adding a new item
  • Link explanation - this will appear in the chooser dialog under the link, as a further explanation of how the tool works. It is displayed verbatim, so you can include HTML markup. (That's not true of the other fields.)

Unfortunately the only unambiguous identifer for a BLTI tool is the tool ID. But it doesn't show in any obvious way in the UI. As Administrator, go into the "External tool" administrative screen. Choose "Tools available in system." Find the tool you want to use. Do "inspect element" on the Edit link. You'll see an argument id=NNN at the end of the URL. That's the tool ID.

LSNBLDR-436 - Getting issue details... STATUS


no base folder

Put folders created by Lessons inside a single base folder. If you upload files through Lessons, Lessons will put them in folders that Lessons creates. It creates one folder per Lessons page, named with the title of the page.

This property adds a single top-level folder in which all the per-page folders are put. A typical value would be lessonbuilder.basefolder=Lessons

LSNBLDR-316 - Getting issue details... STATUS

New Features

SAK-17606 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAM-2260 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAM-2049 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-27928 - Getting issue details... STATUS

LSNBLDR-316 - Getting issue details... STATUS

User interface changes

SAK-27973 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAM-2350 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAM-1677 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-27839 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-26616 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-28003 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-26256 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Event Capture

SAM-2389 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Technical Updates

SAK-28004 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-27584 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-24398 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-27830 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Other fixed Blocker Bugs

SAK-28114 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAM-2428 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-28110 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Known Issues

Sakai 10 Oracle upgrade scripts. Please use database upgrade scripts from trunk for Sakai 10.0 and later.

List of Issues Fixed

type key summary

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