Black Belt Support

Black Belt Support

Speaker(s): Jeff Ziegler, Steve Lonn

Date: Wednesday 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: INTL 3

Session Abstract

This session will review several technically advanced scenarios in Sakai customer support. Based on real cases gathered over the past year at the University of Michigan, we will introduce progressively more difficult-to-resolve support requests, encourage audience discussion, and ultimately present a solution. Go from Novice to Advanced support troubleshooter in one easy session!

Presentation Materials

  • PDF of slides is available – See Attachments tab above or click here to download


You can download the ENHANCED podcast (audio + slides) by clicking here.

Additional Information

  • Support personnel at other Sakai institutions are highly encouraged to join the Support community in order to share knowledge, information, and figure out why some users are just so darn silly! (wink)
  • Join the User Discussion Group email list:
  • Check out the online User Support Cafe: Click Here!!