- UserProcessor missing placeholder in log.debugSAK-50339Resolved issue: SAK-50339Sam Ottenhoff
- Expunge soflty deleted sites job does not fully purge table content_collectionSAK-48733Resolved issue: SAK-48733
- Migrate favorited sites to pinned sitesSAK-48700Resolved issue: SAK-48700Earle Nietzel
- Job scheduler-seed sites: FieldAdapter is in unnamed module of loader 'entitybroker-pack' @708f018e)SAK-48481Adrian Fish
- Job Scheduler: "Filter Events" and "Clear Event Filters" links are touchingSAK-47557
- Polls: Backfill quartz job fails due to polls without creation datesSAK-47296
- "Backfill all existing poll options' order based on their original ID" quartz job may cause excessive Garbage CollectionSAK-47205Resolved issue: SAK-47205Austin
- Job Scheduler date filters are not being appliedSAK-46976Resolved issue: SAK-46976Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Expunge softly deleted sites job does not affect table content_collectionSAK-46814Resolved issue: SAK-46814Sam Ottenhoff
- Event filters in Quartz Scheduler do not filter event tableSAK-46677Resolved issue: SAK-46677Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Job Scheduler: Show all crept back in the drop-downSAK-46675Resolved issue: SAK-46675Matthew Jones
- Scheduler: Filter Events page not displaying, stack traces on the serverSAK-46665Resolved issue: SAK-46665Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- JSF2: Disable verifyObjects feature for production environmentsSAK-45902Resolved issue: SAK-45902Miguel Pellicer
- Job Scheduler JSF upgradeSAK-45642Resolved issue: SAK-45642Christopher Maurer
- Scheduler: Filter events not listing all events to choose fromSAK-45133Resolved issue: SAK-45133Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Job scheduler: Show all displays nothingSAK-45132Resolved issue: SAK-45132Matthew Jones
- NullPointerException with SamigoETSProvider in startup with samigo autosubmit quartz jobSAK-45125Resolved issue: SAK-45125
- Trigger failed for Boolean/Chron testSAK-45060Resolved issue: SAK-45060
- Configurable job name and description not being translatedSAK-44898Resolved issue: SAK-44898Matthew Jones
- Problem running Quartz job "Configurable Job Test"SAK-44890Resolved issue: SAK-44890Matthew Jones
- Error on nightly with import job for assignmentSAK-44765
- Job Scheduler: Incorrectly formatted job property values are not translated when user attempts to post jobSAK-44385
- Job Scheduler: No user feedback error for invalid property value during configurable job creationSAK-44384Resolved issue: SAK-44384Matthew Jones
- Quartz throwing NPEs on GetArchivesJobSAK-44246Resolved issue: SAK-44246Matthew Jones
- Hibernate5 deprecated: Query => query.QuerySAK-44162Resolved issue: SAK-44162David Horwitz
- Dec'19 Upgrade Quartz from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2SAK-42935Resolved issue: SAK-42935Miguel Pellicer
- JobScheduler : Trigger help link 404SAK-42683Resolved issue: SAK-42683
- Job Scheduler delays startup by 5 mins if there is an active jobSAK-42565Resolved issue: SAK-42565Earle Nietzel
- Expunge softly deleted sites job should hard deleteSAK-42546Resolved issue: SAK-42546Sam Ottenhoff
- Job Get Archives should not run by default OTBSAK-42238Matthew Buckett
- TimeService => UserTimeServiceSAK-42032Resolved issue: SAK-42032David Horwitz
- commons-collection => commons-collection4SAK-42009Resolved issue: SAK-42009David Horwitz
- SchedulerMigration removing a detached instanceSAK-41777Resolved issue: SAK-41777Sam Ottenhoff
- Add gradebook data to quartz test data creationSAK-41551Resolved issue: SAK-41551Adrian Fish
- jobscheduler: commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41538Resolved issue: SAK-41538David Horwitz
- Job Scheduler: no difference between the various viewing events tabsSAK-41406Resolved issue: SAK-41406Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Polls > in an Oracle environment, poll options are not displayed in the order they're createdSAK-41391Resolved issue: SAK-41391Brian J.
- Job Scheduler delay starting jobs during sakai startupSAK-41389Resolved issue: SAK-41389Earle Nietzel
- Scheduler: Allow stacktrace to be included in test log message.SAK-41197Resolved issue: SAK-41197Matthew Buckett
- Scheduler: Log a message doesn't use the passed loggerSAK-41196Resolved issue: SAK-41196Matthew Buckett
- Update Spring to latest release before 5.XSAK-40577Raul Hidalgo Caballero
- Intermittent startup failureSAK-40369Resolved issue: SAK-40369Matthew Jones
- Allow better autoprovisioning of quartz jobsSAK-40327Resolved issue: SAK-40327Matthew Buckett
- Show error when parsing cron expressionSAK-40300Resolved issue: SAK-40300Matthew Buckett
- Tomcat does not shutdown properly with issue: SAK-40140Earle Nietzel
- Update opencsv to 4.1SAK-40025Resolved issue: SAK-40025Matthew Jones
- Add more metadata to job scheduler jobs to help distinguish themSAK-39956
- Job scheduler migration job is not available in Sakai 12SAK-39955Resolved issue: SAK-39955Matthew Jones
- Improvements wrt unpublishing sites with the Course Site Removal jobSAK-39934Resolved issue: SAK-39934Brian Baillargeon
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