Job Scheduler date filters are not being applied
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Ayyapu naidu Sankranthi June 16, 2022 at 8:00 PMEdited
Verified on 22.x
Attaching the screenshot of before the date events and after the date events(there are no events present after the date)

Andrea Schmidt March 1, 2022 at 10:52 PMEdited
Verified on 23x:, build: 1cee3902
The filter works on Win10: Chrome/Edge
It is also working on Win10: Firefox, but the calendar is a little touchy and not as smooth as Chrome/Edge.
Roberto Pérez Marcos February 28, 2022 at 11:46 AM
I created a new PR resolving this issue by initializating date fields when focusing on them. This way, the time is set automatically and it makes easy to select dates for the filters, until Mozilla solves the Firefox issue with standard input datetime-local.
Roberto Pérez Marcos February 28, 2022 at 8:47 AMEdited
This seems an issue of Firefox browser. Date picker from Mozilla doesn’t let you select time and doesn’t load a default value either. You must enter hours and minutes by keyboard, and if you don’t, the alert box appears empty. I’ve tested it on main browsers like Chrome, Edge and Safari and they work well. On those browsers, when you set time to blank, the alert box appears correctly. Also, they load a default time value to date fields.
I think this issue should be corrected by Mozilla in the near future, since we are using standard specs for datetime fields.

Andrea Schmidt February 26, 2022 at 1:27 AM
This is still not working: 23x:, build: 51fdcc93
There's still something weird going on with the dates. I'm on Win10 with Firefox. See the video and the screenshot.
It’s believed that when the datepicker was updated that the filtering by date is no longer working