The Get Archives Job runs OTB and its only real reason for existence is to load some sample sites from an archive on nightlies.
I suggest disabling the Get Archives from running by default and just add some config to nightlies to run it there which is the only place that seems to need it.
Relevant code:
<!-- This is to automatically import some sites on startup. -->
<bean class="" init-method="init">
<property name="schedulerManager" ref=""/>
<property name="serverConfigurationService" ref="org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService"/>
<property name="startup">
<ref bean=""/>
The Get Archives Job runs OTB and its only real reason for existence is to load some sample sites from an archive on nightlies.
I suggest disabling the Get Archives from running by default and just add some config to nightlies to run it there which is the only place that seems to need it.
Relevant code:
<!-- This is to automatically import some sites on startup. --> <bean class="" init-method="init"> <property name="schedulerManager" ref=""/> <property name="serverConfigurationService" ref="org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService"/> <property name="startup"> <list> <ref bean=""/> </list> </property> </bean>