Quartz throwing NPEs on GetArchivesJob
is related to
Andrea Schmidt December 12, 2020 at 9:28 AM
I searched the logs for GetArchivesJob after the reboot and do not see this error:
21x: https://qa21-mysql.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: f6ac16ca
Matthew Jones December 9, 2020 at 5:57 PMEdited
Thanks . Yeah thats a different issue from the Import job. That might be because the import format changed from the files we're importing but I'll file it as an new issue anyway. This is unrelated to this issue though. I created this as SAK-44765. I'm going to mark this one as verified based on your comment.
Andrea Schmidt December 6, 2020 at 5:38 PM
I looked in the logs and found a stacktrace for 06-Dec-2020 13:11:14.227 WARN [QuartzScheduler_Worker-5] org.sakaiproject.serialization.BasicSerializableRepository.fromXML but not for GetArchivesJob . It seems to be right after startup also - should this be a separate Jira?
I ran the Auto Submit Assessments Job and Create sites, users and content for testing. These ran without errors.
Matthew Jones December 6, 2020 at 11:25 AMEdited
If you get a chance could you look at testing this? I think this is one that really should be verified and merged back for 21. Not sure if job scheduler is on the regression plan.
I also think I'm going to bump the priority to Blocker, as this is preventing this job (and possibly others) from running.
Matthew Jones November 1, 2020 at 8:30 PM
Yeah, weird.
I was reading the docs a little more and saw this text in autowireBean (which is part of the AutowiringSpringBeanJob)
"It does not imply traditional by-name or by-type autowiring of properties; use autowireBeanProperties(java.lang.Object, int, boolean) for those purposes."
I added in that other method and it seems to be populating this correctly now. I checked a few other jobs and they also appear to be fine.
On both a new and existing instance, I'm seeing the following after the upgrade to Spring/Hibernate5: