- Announcements: No Help Content for Options tabSAK-49140Wilma Hodges
- Search frame displays a stack traceSAK-48133Resolved issue: SAK-48133Christopher Maurer
- Membership: Membership help link sends user to the incorrect help pageSAK-47732Christopher Maurer
- External Tools-Admin: Help link displays the About Sakai Help page instead of the basiclti pageSAK-47017Matthew Jones
- Error in Eclipse: The package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xmlSAK-46857Resolved issue: SAK-46857Matthew Jones
- Help tool no longer works (22)SAK-46061Resolved issue: SAK-46061Matthew Jones
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- JSF2: Disable verifyObjects feature for production environmentsSAK-45902Resolved issue: SAK-45902Miguel Pellicer
- Hibernate5 deprecated: Query => query.QuerySAK-45810Resolved issue: SAK-45810David Horwitz
- Help JSF upgradeSAK-45555Resolved issue: SAK-45555Christopher Maurer
- Help documentation Links to page that causes a 400 requestSAK-44548Resolved issue: SAK-44548Wilma Hodges
- Help tool TOC item is misaligned after selecting article from search menuSAK-44221
- Replace Contact Us Tool with Link at bottom of pageSAK-44176
- Signup / missing help pagesSAK-43772Resolved issue: SAK-43772Sam Ottenhoff
- All of the Help Tool's htm files have the same <title> tagSAK-43079Resolved issue: SAK-43079Matthew Jones
- Provide ability to add and remove favorite sites from the top barSAK-42642Resolved issue: SAK-42642Shawn Foster
- Help links covered by highlighted selection using FirefoxSAK-41932
- Help, Search: commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41558Resolved issue: SAK-41558David Horwitz
- Implement a better "feature tour" for the tutorialSAK-41401
- Create tests for HelpManagerImplSAK-41080Resolved issue: SAK-41080Matthew Buckett
- Cleanup help files (unused files/javadoc)SAK-41072Resolved issue: SAK-41072Matthew Buckett
- Help > fix bug with docIdSAK-40748Resolved issue: SAK-40748Brian J.
- Help guide documentation not responsive design. webview not rendering frameset and frame in side app?SAK-34004
- Add flexibility to the external help configurationSAK-33730
- Help-Tool does not use its cssSAK-32122Resolved issue: SAK-32122Sam Ottenhoff
- Make it possible to configure help to save to a different directory than tempSAK-32069Resolved issue: SAK-32069Matthew Jones
- Help popup frames go wrong when resized (Chrome)SAK-32049
- Context sensitive help opening window on general About Sakai Help pageSAK-31865Resolved issue: SAK-31865
- Context-sensitive Help links not pointing to correct help articlesSAK-31539Resolved issue: SAK-31539Sam Ottenhoff
- "About Sakai" help page uses question mark icon in a confusing mannerSAK-29958Resolved issue: SAK-29958Brian J.
- help.hide property no longer works as expectedSAK-29924KERNEL TEAM
- Under Morpheus, Help is looking for CSS in library/skin/neo-default/tool.cssSAK-29844Resolved issue: SAK-29844Charles R Severance
- Tutorial look and layout needs to be fixed for MorpheusSAK-29698Resolved issue: SAK-29698
- OSP is removed from Sakai 11, but help files remainSAK-29268Resolved issue: SAK-29268Brian J.
- It should be possible to remove an entire help category via help.hideSAK-27506Resolved issue: SAK-27506Sam Ottenhoff
- Upgrade help to lucene 4.5.1SAK-27489Resolved issue: SAK-27489Matthew Jones
- 100% fr_FR translation for lots of componentsSAK-26286Resolved issue: SAK-26286Jean-François Lévêque
- NPE occurs while access /portal/help/TOCDisplay/content.hlpSAK-26241Resolved issue: SAK-26241Sam Ottenhoff
- Failing to find helpSessionFactory bean.SAK-26196Resolved issue: SAK-26196Sam Ottenhoff
- Sakai help system uses hibernate in a dangerous waySAK-26105Resolved issue: SAK-26105Sam Ottenhoff
- Cleanup Help tool HTMLSAK-26086Resolved issue: SAK-26086Sam Ottenhoff
- Pass the user's role to the help toolSAK-26056Sam Ottenhoff
- Sakai 10 Help Parent TicketSAK-26054Resolved issue: SAK-26054Sam Ottenhoff
- help/help-component/src/bundle/ refers to CLESAK-25986Resolved issue: SAK-25986Sam Ottenhoff
- french translationSAK-25911Resolved issue: SAK-25911Jean-François Lévêque
- Tutorial tool isn't working correctly - red X on logout buttonSAK-25673Resolved issue: SAK-25673Matthew Jones
- Add signup and external-calendaring-service to core distributionSAK-25643Resolved issue: SAK-25643Anthony Whyte
- Simplified Chinese translation for Sakai 2.9.3: helpSAK-25590Resolved issue: SAK-25590Gao Jun
- help throws NPE if no docId passed to content.hlpSAK-25429Resolved issue: SAK-25429
- Help translation Traditional ChineseSAK-25408Resolved issue: SAK-25408Neal Caidin
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