Add signup and external-calendaring-service to core distribution
Add contrib signup and external-calendaring-service to .externals for Sakai 10. Both projects have dependencies on ical4j ical4j which has dependencies on common-codec 1.8, backport-util-concurrent 3.1, etc. 27 modules including the kernel are dependent on commons-codec. Deploy commons-codec 1.8 to shared/lib, adjusting project poms accordingly for a provided dependency. In addition upgrade ical4j version in calendar, external-calendaring-service and singup modules. Finally, upgrade backport versions for citations, external-calendaring-service and signup.
Integrated in reset-pass trunk #538 (See adjust for commons-codec, ical4j and backport=util-concurrent deployed to shared/lib in support of signup and external-calendaring-service (Revision 133899)
Result = SUCCESS
Hudson CI Server January 30, 2014 at 12:48 AM
Integrated in portal trunk #1630 (See adjust for commons-codec, ical4j and backport=util-concurrent deployed to shared/lib in support of signup and external-calendaring-service (Revision 133899)
Add contrib signup and external-calendaring-service to .externals for Sakai 10. Both projects have dependencies on ical4j ical4j which has dependencies on common-codec 1.8, backport-util-concurrent 3.1, etc. 27 modules including the kernel are dependent on commons-codec. Deploy commons-codec 1.8 to shared/lib, adjusting project poms accordingly for a provided dependency. In addition upgrade ical4j version in calendar, external-calendaring-service and singup modules. Finally, upgrade backport versions for citations, external-calendaring-service and signup.